A.L. Carney


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Email conversation

FromA.L. Carney
Date24 January 2004 15:25
I just discovered your posted email from Isabel Madow when I put the
following phrase into google:

"internet filters, monitoring, and web blocking software"

Your posted reply to "her" (or the spam bot) was educational for me, a
newbie to the web designing process.

I got the phrase from an email to me at my site, asking about links and
seeking permission, etc. Unfortunately I DID reply to it, asking for more
details. I will watch for future spam and will delete that email account
if it starts coming.

Thanks again for your helpful service, and I am happy to discover your
useful site with all sorts of clearly written tutorials.

A.L. Carney

We all make mistakes with our email addresses when we are new to the web, and we live to regret them later on. For information on how to protect your email address from spammers, please see my section on JavaScript and security.

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