Alex Campbell


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FromAlex Campbell
Subjectcollapsible list script enhancement attached
Date27 September 2006 23:33
Attachmentmodified script
Hello Tarquin,

Today I had a good time with your collapsible list script. I wish to use it
together with the Nisad Sivcevic's hack to display +/- images, but noted
that when shouldAutoCollapse=false the images simply don't swap and I needed
precisely such feature. After some tinkering, feel the hack need to be
enhanced to handle this case.

The modified listCollapse.js attached. Note I simply used the same Nisad's
technique but for the if ( oCol == false ) branch.

I tested this in IE6/FF1.5.07/Op9.01 WinXPSP2 and works fine.

Thank you very much for sharing such great code!

Best Regards,
Alex Campbell
ToAlex Campbell
SubjectRe: collapsible list script enhancement attached
Date28 September 2006 20:10

> Today I had a good time with your collapsible list script.
> The modified listCollapse.js attached.

Nice. I shall include a link to this version. Thanks for sharing.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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