Ali Syed Mansoor


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FromAli Syed Mansoor
Subjecthelp required on ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"), "permission denied"
Date8 October 2004 14:19
First I would like to thanks to make this very very informative site
specially comparision and compatibility of browers and javascripts
After inspiration of your knowledg, I want to your help please
I want to change a file named e.g. notepad.exe want to remove and to copy
on another location from my webpage through javascript but it is raising
error 'permission denied'
details and sample code is following
Browser = I.E. 6.0.2600.000
Operating System = Windows 2000
doctype = html ( you question is not clear to me)
page url = none (script available in bootom of page )
What I did to produce the error : nothing, I am usning first time this
script, questuion not clear
Description what happend : error generated 'permission denied'
Please tell me why it is generating error and what i do to process
succesfully , without any changes in my p.c. configuration, but changes
from my page java script
   due to the security setting
   due to the regional setting
   something else   
Thanks in advance 

[script sample using XMLHttpRequest to read files on the C drive of the
computer and transmit them to a website]
ToAli Syed Mansoor
SubjectRe: help required on ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"), "permission denied"
Date8 October 2004 15:02

The answer is quite simple. This is a security violation. Scripts are not
allowed to view files on the user's computer. No matter what you do. They
are just not allowed to. Otherwise they could read anything, including
password files, sensitive information, top secret files etc.

> doctype = html ( you question is not clear to me)

Every valid web page should have a doctype tag before the <html> tag saying
what HTML version they use (many page authors do not bother to use this -
the browsers will usually get it right anyway). The doctype tag usually
tays something like 'I am using HTML 4 transitional'
<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

Sorry, but there is no way around this problem (except running it on your
own computer with all security disabled - not a good idea).

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromAli Syed Mansoor
Subjecthelp required on ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"), "permission denied"
Date9 October 2004 07:41
Thanks to acknowledge my problem, and gave me answer, I was not expecting so 
quick answer

again thanks

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