Amanda Beck


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FromAmanda Beck
SubjectRSS/Atom doesn't work as supplied
Date20 January 2010 16:16
I have uploaded your scripts exactly as per instructions but they don't seem
to work:
I changed it to use the asp version instead of PHP but that is all I have
changed in the rss.html file.  I have tried Chrome and IE browsers and
neither will work with my uploaded file. The one on your site works
Amanda Beck
ToAmanda Beck
SubjectRe: RSS/Atom doesn't work as supplied
Date20 January 2010 16:22

> I changed it to use the asp version instead of PHP

When you edited the rss.html file, you made a mistake. Instead of this:
You have put this:
rssLocal.asp ?feedURL=

That space should not be there.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromAmanda Beck
SubjectRe: RSS/Atom doesn't work as supplied
Date20 January 2010 16:54
Hi Mark,

Wow, many thanks for the fast response! I have now got it working with the
default BBC feed:


But I am trying to add a Blogger feed but it just doesn't seem to work.  The
Atom feed is at [URL].  Can you see
why it isn't working?

Many thanks once again.

ToAmanda Beck
SubjectRe: RSS/Atom doesn't work as supplied
Date20 January 2010 17:20

> But I am trying to add a Blogger feed but it just doesn't seem to work.

It tries to retrieve this URL:

For some reason, your server refuses to load the Atom feed. It just sits
there, until it eventually times out with the error:
msxml3.dll error '800c0005'
The system cannot locate the resource specified.
/rssLocal.asp, line 14

Since I can load the feed URL myself with a browser, my server also loads it
just fine, and your server loads other URLs without any problem, I'm
guessing that your hosting service has some restriction that prevents ASP
scripts from loading other files from the same base domain. I suggest you
contact your hosting provider, and ask them why the ASP script is not able
to load that URL. It's probably a restriction that they have implemented.

FromAmanda Beck
SubjectRe: RSS/Atom doesn't work as supplied
Date20 January 2010 20:19

Thank you so much for your help.  I will ask the host.

Many thanks again,

FromAmanda Beck
SubjectRe: RSS/Atom doesn't work as supplied
Date21 January 2010 16:51
Hi Tarquin,

Many thanks for your help so far.  The sites are hosted on our own servers
and I am told we have msxml.dll version 3 installed.

I've made this page within our site design:

I've tried all the following feeds, all of which reside on the same server:

var URL = '[URL]'; - DOESN'T WORK
var URL = '[URL]'; - DOES WORK
var URL = '[URL]'; - DOES WORK

Surely if it was a server issue, none of these feeds would work?   They are
all published via a blogger template which we have implemented.  I have
checked and the settings are exactly the same on all 3. I have even used the
crealy template on the netguides blog to no avail.

If you could offer any insight at all, I would be most grateful.

Kind regards
ToAmanda Beck
SubjectRe: RSS/Atom doesn't work as supplied
Date21 January 2010 17:50

> If you could offer any insight at all, I would be most grateful.

This just makes it look even more like your hosting service has some weird
restriction that is making it fail. There is clearly no normal reason why it
should fail. As it's hosted on your own servers, ask your system
administrators to check it, and see why it is not able to work.

As I said last time, it may relate to the domain name, not the IP address of
the server. It only seems to be failing when the ASP script and the XML file
are hosted on the same base domain:

I really don't know of any reason why this restriction would exist unless it
was either an intentional restriction implemented by your system
administrators, or an accidental limitation caused by some part of your Web
server's configuration. Only your system administrators will be able to
debug it, I am afraid.

FromAmanda Beck
SubjectRe: RSS/Atom doesn't work as supplied
Date25 January 2010 12:38
Hi Tarquin,

Through the course of our testing, we have tried implementing that
particular feed in another domain:


This also fails. [host] and [host] reside on the same
server, but so does [host] which works fine!!  We can find no rhyme or
reason why this one blog seems to fail!  Do you think by upgrading
msxml3.dll this might solve the problem?

ToAmanda Beck
SubjectRe: RSS/Atom doesn't work as supplied
Date26 January 2010 10:52
Hi Tarquin,

You'll be pleased to know we have fixed it :-)  We upgraded the version of
msxml.dll on the server and now it works.

Many thanks for your help.

Kind regards
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