André Estel


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FromAndré Estel
Subjectwant to translate your howtocreate page
Date3 December 2004 2:27

i found your page linked in a german forum (especially the "No, Internet
Explorer did not handle it properly" page) and want to translate it to
german because i agree with your statements. I think many people would
think more different if they know the "truth". But not all of them can read
english and so i want to offer these pages in german. But i have at the
moment one problem: you made this page with chapters and i don't know, how
to use it correctly(i have not so much experience in higher html). Imho the
chapters are all in one html file but will be displayed seperately by the
browser. If its true, can you send me the complete file so i can use the
same menu etc. ? And not to forget, is it ok to offer your work in this way?
I will link to your page and call you are the author. I want to start with
the "did not handle..." and if it works i want to translate all the other
topics. How do you think about this?


André Estel
ToAndré Estel
SubjectRe: want to translate your howtocreate page
Date3 December 2004 22:34

First time I have had one of these, so let's see ...

I am happy for you to translate it (it is a big article though - the last
person who started to translate it gave up very quickly), but I do not want
you to host it yourself. However, I would be happy to host the translation
myself, because that would make it easy for me to manage any updates I make
to it, and to ensure that the examples will all work (some of them are very
sensitive to changes). I would credit you as the translator.

The page uses PHP to create the HTML, which is why it appears to be all in
one file. Unless you know PHP, this will probably not be so easy for you to
understand. There are some very important syntaxes that you would need to
follow in order to produce a valid file.

I know this was not quite what you asked, but I hope this suits what you
wanted. Let me know what you decide, and we will see what we can arrange.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromAndré Estel
SubjectRe: want to translate your howtocreate page
Date14 December 2004 00:19
Hi Mark,

sorry for answering so late but your mail was sorted in junk by 
thunderbird and i realized just now wondering getting no answer ;-). I 
think its ok to host the translation by you. I don't know how your PHP 
works, but i think the raw text is seperately and so you can send me 
these files so i can translate them. And i hope i'm more persistent then 
the last one :-D


ToAndré Estel
SubjectRe: want to translate your howtocreate page
Date15 December 2004 22:57
Attachmentsfiles requiring translation

I have attached all the necessary files. Let me know if you have any
problems with it. Enjoy :)

Thanks for the continued interest.

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