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Email conversation

Subjectemail subscriber form that
Date8 January 2006 00:00
Hi:  do you have/know how to create an email subscriber form that hides our
email address in the source code (we're getting so much spam from people &
'bots') and also 'validates' the sender's email?  I know there is some way
to do it, but we don't know how to do any programming, etc and what we've
seen is so overwhelming and complex we have no idea what to do with it.  You
seem to be very talented and helpful, and also seem to have knowledge about
macs (which we use) so we thought we would ask you.

Also, do you know what the best database would be for us?  here is the
description of what we need to do (posted here, so easy to read)
any assistance you can point us toward would be terrific.  thank you for
your consideration.

best regards & happy new year!

SubjectRe: email subscriber form that
Date8 January 2006 11:52

> do you have/know how to create an email subscriber form that hides our
> email address in the source code (we're getting so much spam from people
> & 'bots') and also 'validates' the sender's email?

Assuming your web site is hosted on a server that allows you to run server
side scripts, you can have a normal form that allows them to enter their
email address, and then sends it to the server. The server then runs a
script to check if it is valid, and subscribes them if needed.

However, you will probably want something a little more smart than that,
that actually sends them a confirmation email, and will not subscribe them
unless they reply.

Unfortunately, I do not know of any of these systems that you can simply
install, most of the ones I know are custom built, or offered for a
substantial fee. You will probably have to contact a web development company
if you want one built for you (sorry, I have no particular recommendations).

[Ed. Note, I would now advise to ignore email subscription and to use
newsfeeds instead, like this site's newsfeed.]

> Also, do you know what the best database would be for us?

What you are asking for is a lot more than just a database. You need a full
content management system. There are many good systems in use. For now, I
will recommend Movable Type, simply because I know it is capable of
producing pages that validate, and it is fairly easy to use. It is built to
work as a blogging system, but with a few modifications, it can be made to
work as a categorised site with user management, and search facility.

I am not sure if it will suit your needs 100%, but I recommend you start
looking at something like that.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
SubjectRe: email subscriber form that
Date8 January 2006 16:32
Dear Mr. Wilton-Jones:

Thank you so much -- this is very helpful and so much clearer and more
straightforward (especially compared to anything I've read/seen/heard
elsewhere) -- and I greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your
advice and recommendations!  You are very kind to do so and we thank you
very much!

best regards & happy new year  -- thank you!

This site was created by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones.
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