Anthony Gasparich


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FromAnthony Gasparich
Subjecthow to eliminate the form and download feeds on page load
Date14 June 2007 19:55
I have a client who has requested that I place 3 separate feeds from
[URL] on their site. I found your news feeder and tested it using the asp
version on their server. It worked quite well, but how do I eliminate the
form and have it simply load the feed directly?  I found a reference to it
in your email but all it said was there was examples on your how to page. My
wife says that sometimes I can never find things even when they are right in
front of my face, and this is apparently one of those times. Where is the
demo page that shows how to load content without the form and submit button?
Thanks in advance,
Tony Gasparich
FromAnthony Gasparich
Subjectsorry to be a pest, but how do you set it to render as html?
Date14 June 2007 21:11
I solved my problem by reading all of the emails, not just the first one I
found. I got it this far:

However, it is not rendering the xml as html. How do I resolve that?
ToAnthony Gasparich
SubjectRe: sorry to be a pest, but how do you set it to render as html?
Date14 June 2007 22:23

> However, it is not rendering the xml as html. How do I resolve that?

Your feed claims to be RSS 0.91 which does not allow HTML in the item
content. Many feeds make this mistake so the script has a builtin workaround
for that.

Change this:
to this:

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromAnthony Gasparich
SubjectRe: sorry to be a pest, but how do you set it to render as html?
Date15 June 2007 00:43
That worked perfectly, thanks. I tried to add that as a hidden field but it
wouldn't work, and I couldn't figure out where else it should go.
FromAnthony Gasparich
SubjectRe: sorry to be a pest, but how do you set it to render as html?
Date16 June 2007 12:15
I have 3 separate feeds working on this page:

there are 3 iframes which pull the feeds into the page.

The blog feed, which is:
works just dandy in firefox, but won't pull up anything in internet explorer
for the PC. I get an "invalid feed" window. Does this have to do with that
fix I applied?
ToAnthony Gasparich
SubjectRe: sorry to be a pest, but how do you set it to render as html?
Date16 June 2007 16:34

> I get an "invalid feed" window.

This seems to be a bug in ASP. It reads in the feed as utf-8, replaces a few
things, then writes it out, still supposedly in utf-8. However, it has
changed the encoding, and is the content has been converted to windows-1251
encoding. I have no idea why, since I do not know ASP myself - the
rssLocal.asp file was contributed by one of my readers. If you know it well
enough to fix the problem, please let me know what I need to do, and I will
update the file.
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