Arieh Smith


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FromArieh Smith
Subjectxml parser script not working with refresh
Date11 September 2005 15:13
I am having some problems with your RSS parser script. In one of my  widgets
(FOO RSS) for Mac OS X Tiger, I implemented it. I have a  refresh button on
this widget, which reloads the XML feed. It worked  fine for Apple's iTMS
RSS feeds, but is now not working for me with  another feed, Actually, the feed  loads just fine in
the widget, but when it's loaded, the refresh  button suddenly stops
working. Even if you change the feed, using the  preferences on the back,
the refresh button still doesn't work. You  probably don't have a Mac, but
you might know why I'm having this  problem. If you want, I can email the
Javascript to you.

Ari Smith
ToArieh Smith
SubjectRe: xml parser script not working with refresh
Date11 September 2005 21:22


I see nothing wrong with this feed, and certanly nothing that would cause
any problems to my script (of course, it has no XML prolog, but that
shouldn't hurt since it is seved with the text/xml content type).

> Actually, the feed  loads just fine in the widget, but when it's loaded,
the refresh  button suddenly stops working.

This sounds more like _your_ script is having problems, not my parser script
... but still, let's see what we can work out.

> You probably don't have a Mac

Since my site is devoted to cross browser scripting and web development,
with details of browsers on all the major platforms, you can safely assume
that I _do_ have a mac:

> If you want, I can email the Javascript to you.

Well, you are right in one thing, I do not want to install your widget (I
never trust anyone), but if you send it to me, I may be able to work out
what is going wrong. Of course, using Safari may be a problem, since it's
error reporting sucks beyond belief, but I should be able to make the basics
of it run in Opera so that I can hopefully see the cause of the problem.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of

ps. note that my terms of use state that you must ask me for permission
before using my script in any bundled software packages, and that includes
FromArieh Smith
SubjectRe: xml parser script not working with refresh
Date11 September 2005 22:01
AttachmentWidget code
Well, thanks a lot for getting back to me so quickly. I can assure  you that
my widget is not malicious in any way, but if you don't want  to run it, you
can still check out the code:
Here's a similar widget to compare with what it should do:

Thanks again,

P.S. Oh, and by the way, I never noticed your browser speed charts,  those
are honestly pretty cool.
ToArieh Smith
SubjectRe: xml parser script not working with refresh
Date12 September 2005 21:39

> you can still check out the code:

Since the button is a simple image input, there is absolutely no reason that
there should be a problem. I cannot see anything in the feed that could
cause it either, since it contains no HTML. It feels like a bug in the
dashboard, but just in case, do you get any error reporting with dashboard?
and does it say anything useful about this?
FromArieh Smith
SubjectRe: xml parser script not working with refresh
Date12 September 2005 22:47
Console says absolutely nothing. It's so weird. Try changing the feed- it
works for just about every other feed except for the FOO feed.
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