Ashley Hindmarsh


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FromAshley Hindmarsh
SubjectCommercial use of "Making IE using position:fixed"
Date14 March 2007 16:23
Hi Mark,

We would like to use the aforementioned script to implement a feature
requested by a customer.

If you are ok for us to use it, how would you like to be credited?

I don't think our clients would normally allow a visible credit on the site,
but I'd be happy to put a credit in the HTML.


 Ashley Hindmarsh
ToAshley Hindmarsh
SubjectRe: Commercial use of "Making IE using position:fixed"
Date16 March 2007 21:03

> If you are ok for us to use it, how would you like to be credited?

This is not a big enough script for me to need a proper credit link (unless
you want to, but that is your choice). You are free to use it however you
see fit, but note that the fix itself is deprecated and no longer supported,
as there is a proper fix for this issue in IE 7. I do not recommend its use.
However, if you still choose to use it to support IE 6-, you are you are
welcome to do so.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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