Assia Grivtsova


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FromAssia Grivtsova
SubjectCollapsible lists in dreamweaver
Date17 July 2007 21:35
Dear Steve, 
[Ed. yeah, that's not my name ....]

  I am almost done with my brand new site that I created in Dreamweaver
using the design view only, as I never learned code.  I have completed
everything without ever needing code knowledge, but my happiness is
incomplete because i would like to make one page with collapsible lists,
such as a page listing neighborhoods, and if you expand each neighborhood,
it will show addresses of our job sites in those neighborhoods, and you can
collapse them again and expand another neighborhood with addresses. 

  Is there anything very design-friendly that can be done so that I don't
have to subcontract that page to a web designer and avoid learning the code?
I am very bright and could spend hours and learn it, but since this is the
last drop to finish my page, I'd love to go the easy route. 

  Thanks in advance, I hope you can recommend something.  I am using
Dreamweaver MX 2004. 

  Assia Grivtsova
ToAssia Grivtsova
SubjectRe: Collapsible lists in dreamweaver
Date22 July 2007 09:23

> Dear Steve,

Who? ;)

> Is there anything very design-friendly that can be done so that I
> don't have to subcontract that page to a web designer and avoid
> learning the code?

I assume you are talking about using my scripts instead of something built
into your editor (since I do not know or use your editor).

The nested list collapsing script is easy enough to set up, and you do not
need to learn much code at all. You will need to get your hands a little
dirty with the source code, but really, it is not difficult, and you should
not need to pay anyone else to do it for you.

Simply create nested bullet lists however you normally would using

I do not know dreamweaver, but I assume it has some way to assign an ID to
the outermost list that you want to collapse. Give it an id of
neighborhoods. Then open source view, search for </body> (it will be right
at the end), then put this before it:

<script src="/PATH/TO/listCollapse.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
compactMenu('neighborhoods',false,'&plusmn; ');

Change /PATH/TO/listCollapse.js to match wherever you have stored that
script on your site. That's all you need to do.

If you have more than one list that you need to collapse separately, give
each of the lists an ID, then use this:

<script src="/PATH/TO/listCollapse.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
compactMenu('neighborhoods',false,'&plusmn; ');
compactMenu('someotherid',false,'&plusmn; ');
compactMenu('whateverid',false,'&plusmn; ');
compactMenu('andanotherid',false,'&plusmn; ');

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromAssia Grivtsova
SubjectRe: Collapsible lists in dreamweaver
Date22 July 2007 18:17
Thank you so much for your response.  I haven't tried this yet, but I will
report to you once I do.  I appreciate it very much. 

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