Barbara Newton and Kjell Martin


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Email conversation

FromBarbara Newton
SubjectQuestion regarding terms of use
Date9 June 2005 01:35
We would like to use your progress bar javascript in a demo of a
browser-based application.  We will ONLY be using the progress bar for the
demo.  The eventual software will not be a public will be a
browser-based application installed at a customer site.  It is highly
unlikely that we will use the progress bar in the finished product.  Do you
see any problem or violation of your terms of use?


Barbara Newton
FromKjell Martin
Subjectrequest to use progressbar.html under a commercial license
Date9 June 2005 02:08

My company is interested in using the progress bar code.

It is for use in a software product that we would sell. It is to be bundled
with all of our code as part of the product. We are not a content provider
such as what I believe your response was oriented toward in

This is an initial request to determine the feasibility of being able to use
your code.

The following is the items we are interested in:

What would be the terms of being able to use it and include in our product
to sell?

Can we modify it? What can't we change?

Can the attribution regarding your code be included in our product

The code lists the author as Mark Wilton-Jones. Is this you or a family

Thank you,


I have not included my response here because there is no single answer to this kind of question. I will consider every such request on a case-by-case basis.

If you have a similar request, please see the notes on using my scripts as part of a bundled software package.

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