Barton V. Lewis


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FromBarton V. Lewis
SubjectXML importing script enhancement
Date17 June 2004 19:38
Hey Mark, I came across this script a few days ago through a Google
( VERY nice!

I thought I might point out though, this problem I ran into with it:
In the 2nd if-then for 'the Microsoft way' I was able to still raise errors
when creating the new ActiveX object. Apparently, in my case, the try-catch
is not doing it's job. This error was raised because I had Zone Alarm
enabled and had it set to disable ActiveX. Further testing led me to the
same error by just adjusting IE's settings to disable ActiveX.

If the try-catch was doing it's job, the script would have drop down to the
next if-then and everything would have been grand. For some reason, it did
not. I attempted (without success) to inject code into the 2nd if-then to
determine if ActiveX was in fact disabled.

Not sure if there is anything that can be done about this issue. Just
thought I might bring it up for you.

Barton V. Lewis
ToBarton V. Lewis
SubjectRe: XML importing script enhancement
Date17 June 2004 22:37

Thanks for the information. This is an interesting failure on Internet
Explorer's part. I agree, there is nothing I can really do to fix it (the
try/catch should prevent errors), so I will document it that it might


Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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