Ben Devos


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FromBen Devos
SubjectStatic ads
Date12 September 2005 10:32

I would like to place static ads on my site.
here is the example: [URL] (follow the NL part... )

But u see my site has an min.width and an min.height
All the static div scripts I find uses the window borders,
can't I use the maintable.width and maintable.height, 

Do u have an solution to this problem?

Ben Devos
ToBen Devos
SubjectRe: Static ads
Date12 September 2005 13:04

> I would like to place static ads on my site.

why oh why oh why would anyone want to inflict something so mindblowingly
annoying on their site?! Do you not want visitors?
Go for simple text ads. They will not annoy your visitors so much, and they
might actually stick around so you can get your ad revenue off them.

> But u see my site has an min.width and an min.height

Another pity. since this causes usability problems on smaller screens, but
that is a common problem, and you are not alone.

> All the static div scripts I find uses the window borders,
> can't I use the maintable.width and maintable.height,

and again, relying on tables causes no end of problems. they fail on smaller
screens, are hideously bloated, and have accessibility problems as well.

Anyway, you can put a div that is relatively positioned (position:relative;)
inside the table, and put the static div inside it. The static div will then
take its position from the relative div.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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