Bill Golton


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FromBill Golton
SubjectError with RSS/Atom feed parser
Date14 December 2007 18:24

copied files to my website, as instructed:
LINK <[URL]rss.html>

Feed: [URL]

I get the error:
"Format was no recognised as a valid RSS feed"

The feed URL works on your test form.

Regards, and thanks,

ToBill Golton
SubjectRe: Error with RSS/Atom feed parser
Date14 December 2007 18:38

> "Format was no recognised as a valid RSS feed"

Your PHP installation has its error reporting set far too high. It is
showing notices of undefined variables (the PHP passthru script does not
need this), a setting which should only be used during the development
stage. Set it to only show actual errors (it's one of the settings in
PHP.ini). PHP recommends that you disable displaying of errors and notices
on public servers anyway, since it can give away sensitive information about
your server configuration that could make it easier for crackers to gain
access to it.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromBill Golton
SubjectRe: Error with RSS/Atom feed parser
Date15 December 2007 14:03

Thanks for the prompt reply...

My hosting company won't edit the PHP.ini file, so I'm stuffed lol

Thanks again, and a great script.
ToBill Golton
SubjectRe: Error with RSS/Atom feed parser
Date15 December 2007 16:45

> My hosting company won't edit the PHP.ini file, so I'm stuffed lol

Then your host is leaving you open to cracking :)
A lot of hosts do this, so it's not surprising. There is a way around it;
secure the individual script. Stick this at the top of the PHP (on the
first line after the <?php tag):

ini_set( 'display_errors', '0' );


ini_set( 'error_reporting', 0 );

FromBill Golton
SubjectRe: Error with RSS/Atom feed parser
Date15 December 2007 18:34
Many thanks again.  I emailed my host provider and informed them of the
security issues....

I will try the work around.

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