Brad Hefta-Gaub


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FromBrad Hefta-Gaub
SubjectQuestion about Wii Remote events and Wii Balance Boards using Wii Opera/Internet Channel
Date16 January 2010 07:30

First of all, let me say thanks for the work you've published about using
the Wii Remotes Opera extensions with Javascript. I found your sample code
via numerous sources.

I realize that your a busy guy, so I can understand if you simply don't have
time to answer or can't answer my questions, particularly since it's not per
se related to your code.

I've been trying to figure out if it's possible to access the balance board
from the Opera JS apis... and I can't seem to get it to work, or find any
information about it (one way or the other) on the good old internet... my
[search engine]-kung-fu skills are apparently weak.

Do you know if it's possible using the opera.wiiremote functions to access
the balance board?


ToBrad Hefta-Gaub
SubjectRe: Question about Wii Remote events and Wii Balance Boards using Wii Opera/Internet Channel
Date16 January 2010 10:00

My answer here is based only on my own testing - I have not obtained any
official information about it.

> Do you know if it's possible using the opera.wiiremote functions to access
> the balance board?

No. The balance board will not even switch on when Opera is running. Seems
it can only be switched on when a game specifically asks for it. Even if it
could be switched on, the information could not be exposed by the API as its
pressure sensors are not standard remote buttons (except apparently the
power button which acts as an "A" button according to, and the
API does not provide any external controller information or accelerometer
information (including the information from the remote or nunchuk) - even
simple analogue information from the nunchuck joystick is not provided.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromBrad Hefta-Gaub
SubjectRe: Question about Wii Remote events and Wii Balance Boards using Wii Opera/Internet Channel
Date16 January 2010 10:06

Thanks for the reply. Your testing is consistent with my limited testing,
and your details on the api are consistent with what I feared to be the
case. Oh well... seemed like it would be so simple to expose this, but I
guess the nintendo team is not exactly interested in having high quality web
applications supporting all the features of the system, since it cuts into
their game brand and platform licensing revenue strategy.

Thanks again for your reply.



Ed. Note: I would not want to comment or make any suggestion about the reasons why the information is not exposed through the API. The opinions expressed here may or may not reflect my own, but I will keep my opinions to myself.

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