Brian Colgate


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FromBrian Colgate
Subject'Thank you for acknowledging Moose - I tried to as well'
Date3 July 2007 15:59
Hello, Mark ...

I'm a PHP newbie with a lengthy programming background ... of a lengthier
years-ago status.  I have now been handed the code for a PHP/MySQL database
system for [role] here at [location],
so I'm scrambling to find resources to help me get up to speed ASAP. 
One link let to another and here I am at your site.

Tim Jackson's site has now been added to my Favo[u]rites for PHP -- as has
your own.  But when I tried to go to Moose's site ...

You wrote, "Equally, please thank Moose* for the new style and theme. It's
quality speaks for itself."

    You don't have permission to access / on this server.

    Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered
    while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

F.Y.I., as I suspect you'll want to look into this so others may also
appreciate Moose's efforts ...

Thanks again for all of your resources ... I know I'll return again and

ToBrian Colgate
SubjectRe: 'Thank you for acknowledging Moose - I tried to as well'
Date3 July 2007 17:10

>     Forbidden
>     You don't have permission to access / on this server.

Moose bans browsers like IE that do not try to be good enough at standards
(since he uses XHTML with the correct MIME type, IE wouldn't be able to load
it even if he did not forbid it), as well as browsers that are regularly
used as part of spam crawler UAs.

A large part of his site is about experimenting with CSS, markup, and open
standards - mostly the stuff that IE still has not attempted to support, so
even if IE could load the pages, it would not be able to display them
properly anyway ;)

You should find it works with browsers that understand XHTML with the proper
XHTML MIME type - Opera, Firefox, Konqueror, Safari, iCab, Lynx, etc.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromBrian Colgate
SubjectRe: 'Thank you for acknowledging Moose - I tried to as well'
Date3 July 2007 18:08
Thanks you for your note, Mark ...

I'll have to load an alternative browser ... unfortunately our IT Dep't
plays it "safe" and the standard here is MS all the way!  : (

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