Carlos Alexander Gómez


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FromCarlos Alexander Gómez
SubjectCollapsible Lists
Date11 July 2003 14:35
Hi Mark how are you, i'm a developer of JSP pages and i'm trying to put in
a left frame a dinamic Menu with a collapsible list libary, i've been
seeing your library and think it's very useful, and fits all the needs that
I have, but i have one question, where i put the link's to other pages in
your collapsible list implementation? is this possible? i think it's
possible, but i don't know how!

Thank's for your help!

Carlos Gómez
ToCarlos Alexander Gómez
SubjectRe: Collapsible Lists
Date11 July 2003 15:02

> Hi Mark how are you?

I'm good thanks.

> where i put the link's to other pages in your collapsible list
> implementation?

The first argument of the sub constructor will accept any valid string,
including one containing HTML, for example:

myList.sub[0] = new sub('<a href="">Google</a>',true);
myList.sub[1] = new sub('Back to <a href="./">home</a>',true);
myList.sub[2] = new sub('<img src="myImage.gif">',true);

just be careful how you use quotes and \ characters (single quotes ' should
be escaped \' before use etc.)

Hope this helps

Tarquin - author of

PS. You can also use the script on a commercial site (one that makes money,
or one that is for a commercial company). If you do, there are a couple of

1) You must put a note (for example, on a site policy page) saying that the
script was provided for free by - so if you
charge customers money to use the site, you are only charging them for the
content you provide, not for the scripts that I provide

2) You put a plain text link to my site, to help me with my search engine

Collapsible list script provided for free by
<a href=""></a>.
Customers are not charged for use of this script.
FromCarlos Alexander Gómez
SubjectRe: Collapsible Lists
Date11 July 2003 15:52
Thank's for your reply, it helps a lot!

I have another question, in this library y can handle events like the
xbCollapsibleLists.js from Nestcape? i mean, i click on a option and this
option expands his suboptions, when i click in other diferent option this
new selected option expands and the previous option collapse, in this page
is the example of the event handle of the collapsible list that i'm talking

Thank's again

Carlos Gómez
ToCarlos Alexander Gómez
SubjectRe: Collapsible Lists
Date11 July 2003 15:02
Hmm, that looks smart!

No, mine does not do that yet, BUT, it will do in the next few hours (I
will send you a copy when it is complete), because I am going to program
that now.

The only limitation is that you will not be able to have any lists expanded
when you start, so it will work like the Netscape one. How does that sound?
FromCarlos Alexander Gómez
SubjectRe: Collapsible Lists
Date11 July 2003 20:37
Thank's Mark, that sounds perfect ;)
ToCarlos Alexander Gómez
SubjectRe: Collapsible Lists
Date11 July 2003 22:16
Attachmentpre-release of my latest collapsible list script
Ok, I have attached the script. I have tested it as much as I can (I only
finished it about 5 minutes ago!), so please let me know if you find any
bugs :)

I will upload the new version to my site on Monday.
FromCarlos Alexander Gómez
SubjectRe: Collapsible Lists
Date11 July 2003 22:49
I'm going to test it, i let you know what i find! ;)
FromCarlos Alexander Gómez
SubjectRe: Collapsible Lists
Date11 July 2003 22:54
Mark, you could send me your HTML Test file please?
ToCarlos Alexander Gómez
SubjectRe: Collapsible Lists
Date12 July 2003 09:07
Attachmentzip file of all the demo pages
The HTML test file is just the normal demo page, but with ',true' added
to the end of the list definition.

I have attached a zip file with all of the examples.
Unzip all files then open 'index.html'.
Try the 'auto-collapse' examples.
ToCarlos Alexander Gómez
SubjectRe: Collapsible Lists
Date14 July 2003 09:29

I have updated the script again, so that it will also allow class styling.
check out:
for an example of both styling and auto-collapse, like the one on the Netscape site

or see all of my themes:

You can download the new script at

Hope you find this useful

FromCarlos Alexander Gómez
SubjectRe: Collapsible Lists
Date14 July 2003 13:48
Mark, i'm going to test it today, i let you know if i foun any Bug ;)


FromCarlos Alexander Gómez
SubjectRe: Collapsible Lists
Date24 July 2003 17:22
Hi Mark, how are you, I've been testing your script and it works great!

We are developing a J2EE application for a organization, this application
will be used in their Intranet, for various tasks, one of this task is the
presentation of some data in a tree view, we tested your script and the
Netscape's script, and the results of our tests shows that your script is
the best option for our project.

This corporate his a health organization, so we read your terms and
conditions page about this organizations and you said in this page that we
must have your express written permission, and we must put in the pages
where we use your script all your links, we talked the other day with the
people of the corporate and they don't accept the links, instead of they
ask for a price for the permission of use this script, so that is the
question, how much cost this script, and which will be the best way to pay
you, in the case of you accept to sell them the script?

Thanks again Mark, and I'm waiting for your response,

Carlos Gómez
ToCarlos Alexander Gómez
SubjectRe: Collapsible Lists
Date25 July 2003 08:48

Thanks for testing the script.

I think you misunderstood my terms and conditions page. I will rewrite it
to make it more easy to understand.

You only need to obtain my express written permission if you are
downloading my script to use on a script archive site, like 

You are using it for a corporate site, so you do not need written

Also, you do not need to put a link on _every_ page the script is on. Just
once - on the site policy page. Most corporate intranet sites have a policy
page. For example, on 
there is a link at the bottom of the page: 
this is their site policy page. All you would need to do is put a link in
your policy page.

Or the 'New York Emergency Room' policy page. Do you not have something
like this?

If you do not use a policy page like this, then we will need to discuss
what to do, but I would prefer you to put a link on the policy page,
because it makes licensing much more easy.

This site was created by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones.
Don't click this link unless you want to be banned from our site.