Celson Aquino


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FromCelson Aquino
SubjectCan I use a copy of this page?
Date29 October 2006 02:44

I want to launch a new software and I would love if you let me to create my
Terms of Use page based on yours at

My english is very poor and my software is in english, so I wish to copy and
adapt this page to use in my site.

Can I do that?

Thank you in advance

Celson Aquino

PS: Software I will launch is a PHP script for Ad Tracking. I was thinking
in launch it as GPL but I think I can benefit more if I launch it as
freeware and ask people to put in their site a link to my main site. What do
you think about this?
ToCelson Aquino
SubjectRe: Can I use a copy of this page?
Date29 October 2006 21:28

> I want to launch a new software and I would love if you let me to create
> my Terms of Use page based on yours at
> http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/jslibs/termsOfUse.html
> Can I do that?

If you think that license would suit your purposes, then of course, but
please make sure it really is what you want first. You may find some of the
other licenses are better for your purposes.

Several licenses are mentioned on here:
See the sections named "Other free content licenses" and "See also".

I recommend you check those first.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromCelson Aquino
SubjectRe: Can I use a copy of this page?
Date29 October 2006 21:39
Thank you, Mark
I'll take a look on it!

Thanks again

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