Cesare Lamanna


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FromCesare Lamanna
SubjectXML/RSS importing script
Date14 July 2004 16:15
Hello Georg,
here is Cesare Lamanna from Italy. First of all let me express my
appreciation for the great stuff you share with us on How To Create. Thanks,
really! I write for a help request about XML/RSS importing script:


Commenting the script you talk about a 'PHP script to pass XML from the feed
server'. Is it possible having a copy of rssLocal.php or download it

Thanks again. Best regards,
Cesare Lamanna
ToCesare Lamanna
SubjectRe: XML/RSS importing script
Date14 July 2004 16:48

I have attached the PHP script. It is written to ensure that no local files
can be read (it serves an RSS feed containing an error message).

Hope you find this useful.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/

ps, my name is not Georg :)
FromCesare Lamanna
SubjectRe: XML/RSS importing script
Date14 July 2004 21:57
Hi Mark,
sorry for the Georg :). I read the the name of the author of first 
email on your site and I had a bit of confusion.

Thanks for the answer!

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