Chris Goemans


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FromChris Goemans
SubjectVertical Menu background image flicker solution
Date26 October 2007 23:23
Hi Mark.

I have adapted your CSS Menu to use background images for LI elements that
have submenus.  It works fantastic in FireFox and IE.  However, the
background image  flickers when navigating the menu tree.  Your solution is
much cleaner than the one I have been using for the past 3 years.

I did a search and came across a solution that resolved the problem and
thought you might want to add it to your HTC file.

Your page:
IE6 Flicker Solution Page: [URL] :: as referenced from

Lines you might want to add to the file:
// eliminate IE6 background image flicker.
try {
  document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
} catch(ex) {
  alert("Error occured: " + ex.message); 
Chris Goemans
ToChris Goemans
SubjectRe: Vertical Menu background image flicker solution
Date23 October 2007 13:28

> I did a search and came across a solution that resolved the problem and
> thought you might want to add it to your HTC file.

Nice. There's no need to add it to my HTC file, since I do not use images.
However, I will add a note about it so other authors can use it if they need
to. Thanks for sharing.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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