Chris Sims


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FromChris Sims
Date17 April 2003 08:48 PM

Thank you for your excellent and very useful web site! I've bookmarked it
and will use it as both a tutorial and a reference for Javascript DOM
issues. Wanted to send a quick note in recognition of the hard work you
obviously spent putting the information together and sharing your

Best regards,


p.s. If you get a moment, there is a simple typo in one of the code snippets
on this page:

In this line:

var theTable = gocument.getElementById('tableId');

The 'd' of 'document' has been changed to a 'g'. It's near the bottom of the
page. Other than that, everything runs perfectly as written.
ToChris Sims
SubjectRe: feedback
Date18 April 2003 12:15 PM

> Thank you for your excellent and very useful web site! I've bookmarked it
> and will use it as both a tutorial and a reference for Javascript DOM
> issues. Wanted to send a quick note in recognition of the hard work you
> obviously spent putting the information together and sharing your
> experience

Thanks for the compliments. Happy to be of help to you.

> p.s. If you get a moment, there is a simple typo in one of the code snippets
> var theTable = gocument.getElementById('tableId');

oops ;) Thanks for pointing that out. I have updated it, along with many
other changes (including a re-design) but the changes will not go through
until I can get my new hosting sorted - may take a couple of weeks.

( I used 2.5 GB of bandwidth in a month when I am only allowed 250 MB. My
hosting service got upset, so I cannot update the site at the moment ...
:-/ )

Again, thanks for the comments,

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