Christopher Keys


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FromChristopher Keys
SubjectMulti level menu generation controls Suggestions
Date14 February 2006 04:41
I love your Multi level menu generation controls system, but it would be
nice if it could be used without having to choose an absolute position.
That way someone could choose to place the menu inside a cell or
something.  One other thing would be to have the ability to control what
the window status displays.

ToChristopher Keys
SubjectRe: Multi level menu generation controls Suggestions
Date20 February 2006 09:32

> I love your Multi level menu generation controls system, but it would be
> nice if it could be used without having to choose an absolute position.
> That way someone could choose to place the menu inside a cell or
> something.

Placing positioned elements inside table cells is never a good idea, because
IE and Mozilla have a nasty overflow bug that makes them resize the table

However, it is possible to use a relatively positioned div to position the
<div style="position:relative;">
<!-- create the menu in here -->

Some older browsers screw that up though, which is why I did not provide
that functionality as an option, but you can still use it if you want to.

> One other thing would be to have the ability to control what
> the window status displays.

IE 6 (XP SP 2) does not allow this for security reasons (over links) and
Opera does not have a visible status bar by default. Since that knocks out
two major browsers, there is not much point in adding this feature :)

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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