Cilin5 Angered


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FromCilin5 Angered
Subject[cross frame DHTML via generic referencing function]
Date11 April 2005 22:59

I found your tutorials very useful, especially the generic browser function.
However, I am having problems using it in a frameset. I want to access a
<div> layer(that uses position: absolute) from a different frame  but the
generic function can't find it. Here is the frame structure i am using:

Main Frameset
|  X   |          B               |
Frameset B
    Frame from which function calls are made: M

I want to access the layer from frame x, and if i can't get to frame x, i
would like to access the div from frame N, however everything that i tried
seesm to be fail.

LookupFunction('nameOfLayer', top);
LookupFunction('nameOfLayer', 'top');
LookupFunction('nameOfLayer', parent);   //when accessing the layer from frame N
LookupFunction('nameOfLayer', 'parent'); //when accessing the layer from frame N
LookupFunction('nameOfLayer', 'nameOfFrame');
LookupFunction('nameOfLayer', parent.frame[0]);
   //when accessing the layer from frame N

Can't see anything wrong with the code and the frame referencing seems
trivial, I have no idea what i am doing wrong. Any pointers will be greatly

ToCilin5 Angered
SubjectRe: [cross frame DHTML via generic referencing function]
Date11 April 2005 23:22
This sounds like it should work. As far as I know, it should find them in
that order as well, so it should try X before N (assuming I understand the
diagram correctly). Are you accessing frames from different domains or port

or - have you got a page where I can see it failing? that will make it
easier for me to work out what is wrong.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromCilin5 Angered
SubjectRe: [cross frame DHTML via generic referencing function]
Date13 April 2005 18:83
Thanks for trying to help out,

Somehow when i was building the webpage example to show you, it worked.
Yesterday must have been one of those days that nothing works no matter
what you do.



P.S. Great DHTML/javascript tutorial, the best that i have came across to date.
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