Danny van der Ben


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FromDanny van der Ben
Subjectdisplay error? in howtocreate in IE7
Date23 June 2007 17:16
Attachmentscreenshot showing the problem
Hello mr Wilton-Jones,

First off, www.howtocreate.co.uk, great site. I've just finished
reading "how IE causes problems" and it was insightfull. I will
certainly read the rest too.
But on the pages of "How IE causes problems" I noticed that some
blocks do not display properly in IE7 beta 2. It happens, amongst
others, on this page
It is as if the div with the content is overlaying the floated menu,
this is apparent in some of the elements on the page. It also disables
the links in the menu.
You can see what I mean on the png-image attached to this mail, taken from
I do not know if this is a (new?) bug in IE7 (and I certainly hope
not), or something with the css itself, or something completely
else... I personally think it's just a matter of applying a z-index.
But nevertheless, it's a strange thing. And I'm curious about the
I have used IE7 beta 2 with nothing changed (all internet-options are
on default) on Windows XP Pro SP2. This strange behaviour does not
happen in Firefox 2.0 or Opera 9 or Pocket-K-meleon 1.02.
Just wanted to let you know.
Thanks again for the great site, keep it up.
Have a nice day.

Danny van der Ben
ToDanny van der Ben
SubjectRe: display error? in howtocreate in IE7
Date23 June 2007 19:05

> It is as if the div with the content is overlaying the floated menu

What an interesting bug, and it can still be seen in the latest IE 7
versions. It is a new bug in IE 7 (I cannot reproduce it in IE 6).

> I personally think it's just a matter of applying a z-index.

Z-index does not apply to floats, only positioned elements.

No, this bug is just weird. If a float has a background colour, and a
following block element (a DIV for example) also has a background colour,
the background of the float should appear on top, just like if the DIV had
no background. IE gets this right.

OK, so now insert a paragraph between the float and the DIV. The float
should still appear on top. IE gets this right too.

Now, make the text in the paragraph italic. Suddenly IE reverses the
stacking order of the float and the following content, and the DIV
background appears on top. Yes, that's all it takes. Italic text beside a
float causes IE to reverse the stacking order for the float with respect to
any content from the italic text onwards. The following content does not
need any special styles - even the background is not needed, it still
obscures interaction with the float.

It's crazy, and I really would hate to see the internal algorithm that
causes such bizzare behaviour. I set up a quick demo here:

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromDanny van der Ben
SubjectRe: display error? in howtocreate in IE7
Date27 June 2007 20:03
Hello Mark,

Thanks for the reply.

> Z-index does not apply to floats, only positioned elements.

Ah yes. They'd need a position too. This is however something
completely else, I understand. I'm not too happy about it, though, as
it seems to suggest a new (and serious?) design-problem.

> Italic text beside a float causes IE to reverse the stacking order
> for the float with respect to any content from the italic text onwards.

Oh dear God, don't say it's so... That's just the weirdest bug. The
weirdest of them all, I'd say. Thanks for the explanation by the way.
I took your example and also tried font-style:oblique;, which renders
the same on screen, and also displays the same bug. Unfortunately.

> It's crazy, and I really would hate to see the internal algorithm that
> causes such bizzare behaviour.

I guess I'd have to sent a bug report of this to the IE7-team then. Is
it o.k to link to the test-page you've set up? I can set up one myself
too, if needed, no problem.

Danny van der Ben.
ToDanny van der Ben
SubjectRe: display error? in howtocreate in IE7
Date28 June 2007 08:59

> I guess I'd have to sent a bug report of this to the IE7-team then. Is
> it o.k to link to the test-page you've set up? I can set up one myself
> too, if needed, no problem.

Feel free to report it to them, and you can give them the link to my test
page, since I plan to keep it there. Good luck persuading them to fix it

FromDanny van der Ben
SubjectRe: display error? in howtocreate in IE7
Date30 June 2007 21:11
> Good luck persuading them to fix it though.

Yes. Well. The feedback-page is offline. Nice.
Well, if I ever get it reported, atleast I did my part then. If they
choose to not fix it, it just shows how evil IE is. Old news, I know.
I've also set up a test-page here:
with some sample code.
Thanks for the help/explanation.

Danny van der Ben
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