David Carriger


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FromDavid Carriger
SubjectDo You Write Custom Scripts
Date4 October 2005 21:55

I have a task requiring multiple (2) <select> dropmenu's which require
selection from the first which then dynamically filters
results for the second (a multiple select from). I was able to locate
variations of this online and made it work for me; however,
I need to be able to pass these selections into a shopping cart in a
specific manner.

Do you or someone you trust create javascripts for hire?

I can be more specific should your answer be yes.

Best Regards,

David Carriger
ToDavid Carriger
SubjectRe: Do You Write Custom Scripts
Date4 October 2005 23:09

> Do you or someone you trust create javascripts for hire?

I do sometimes, but I have a bit too much on my plate right now. I
recommend you try Peter-Paul Koch. He is a freelance developer with lots of
experience, and his head is in the right places reguarding accessibility
and browser compatibility:


Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromDavid Carriger
SubjectRe: Do You Write Custom Scripts
Date5 October 2005 04:09
I appreciate you getting back with me so soon...and it's funny that you should mention Peter-Paul.
I had actually stumbled on his name and site first...but like yourself, he said that he was too busy
to help me out.

Anyway...thanks for trying. If you stumble on anyone else, feel free to let me know or forward
my email addie.

Best Regards,

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