David Chalcraft


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FromDavid Chalcraft
SubjectHow could i display a Webpage inside a frameset???
Date14 November 2004 14:55
I have two websites, and I wish to display one inside the other using
framesets and a table.  
It is a three row frameset, but I want the 2nd site (the one to be
displayed) to be slightly smaller width wise, so thought the best way would
to put a table in the centre frame.  But I do not know the coed to call the
website to the frame.
Im using dreamweaver…
Look forward to ur help
ToDavid Chalcraft
SubjectRe: How could i display a Webpage inside a frameset???
Date16 November 2004 08:22

A table will do the job, although most people are trying to move away from
tables in favour of more accessible HTML. The same could be said for frames
though, but I do not intend to get into an accessibility discussion right
now :)

This would have the same effect as using a table, and would make more sense
to non-visual users:
<div style="margin-left:30px;margin-right:30px;">

Using frames from different domains inside a frameset is exactly the same
as using frames from the same domain. Just put the exact URL in the frame
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"
   <title>My site</title>
 <frameset rows="30,*,30">
   <frame src="top.html">
   <frame src="http://someOtherSite.com/somePage.html">;
   <frame src="bottom.html">

Hope this explains what you needed.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromDavid Chalcraft
SubjectRe: How could i display a Webpage inside a frameset???
Date17 November 2004 21:23

A table sounds perfect... but code would I use to pull the website into the
table and where would I put it in the code for the page... in the body
header etc???

Sorry to be a pain.... 

ToDavid Chalcraft
SubjectRe: How could i display a Webpage inside a frameset???
Date16 November 2004 08:22
If you want to embed a website into a table, the easy way is to use the
iframe element. The link inside it is for older browsers and accessibility
browsers that do not support the iframe element.

    <iframe src="http://www.google.com/" height="100" width="100">
        <a href="http://www.google.com/">Embedded page</a>
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