Demez Christophe


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FromDemez Christophe
SubjectProblem report with article : "Making IE 5.5+ use position: fixed;"
Date27 October 2006 15:43

I have got some ideas from your article "Making IE 5.5+ use position: fixed;"

I have use you technique to have a fixed header in a table ! I use this
technique to fix the position of the first row and... having a header.
It is very simple and effective... but

When there are a lot of data to scroll... there is a very strange effect in IE6
! The row move up and down and after reposition !!!!

You should have the same problem when there are a lot of element in the "div"
element that you re-position.

I'm searching for a way to fix this effect... if you have an idea ?

I have join an HTML sample to view with IE6 ;-)


ToDemez Christophe
SubjectRe: Problem report with article : "Making IE 5.5+ use position: fixed;"
Date28 October 2006 13:03

Note that I have now deprecated this fix:

> When there are a lot of data to scroll... there is a very strange effect
> in IE6
> ! The row move up and down and after reposition !!!!

IE 6 has a broken implementation of absolutely positioned elements inside
tables. It always treats them as being relative to the table. This cannot be

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