Diego Nei


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FromDiego Nei
SubjectHowToCreate : Missing fonts on client
Date17 February 2004 19:18
Hello there

Great site, thanks for your time.

My problem is this, I use a font that the client don't even have on his/her
computer, and I don't wanna bother them asking for a download. So, how do i
load the font (A Charming Font, 58kb) directly into their sistem?

... Just come into my mind that this could be used to infect someone with a
virus, but i asure you, I do NOT want to do that.

Hope you can help me (you can write scripts! i bet you can :) )

- Diego
ToDiego Nei
SubjectRe: HowToCreate : Missing fonts on client
Date18 February 2004 08:17

You cannot install anything onto the user's computer without their
permission, including fonts. As you say, this would make it far too easy to
install a virus, and many people (including myself) do not want to install
a font, just because the author of a web page says so.

However, you can provide fonts that can be used, but they will not be
installed. They will be downloaded along with the stylesheet, and will be
deleted again when the user clears their cache. This means that they will
only work on your web page, the user will not be able to use the font in
their own documents etc.

<style type="text/css"><!--
@font-face {
	font-family: Garamond;
	src: url(garamond.eot), url(garamond.pfr);

This pfr file works in NS4+ and the eot file works in IE4+. I don't know
how you produce them, but I think you will need a utility to convert TT
fonts on your computer into the pfr or eot files.

It does not work in Opera. I do not know if it works in Safari or IE/Mac.

Hope you find this useful

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromDiego Nei
SubjectRe: HowToCreate : Missing fonts on client - THANKS
Date18 February 2004 13:49
Usefull? That saves the day!!! Thanks a lot!!! Hope I can be usefull, if you
need something, get in touch :)
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