Ernani José Camargo Azevedo


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Email conversation

FromErnani José Camargo Azevedo
SubjectPermission to translate and publish the JavaScript tutorial
Date15 July 2009 22:42
Hi Tarquin,

I know that this email could be probably trashed, but I will try.
Our company was looking for a good and free JavaScript material to use
in our internal course and found your tutorial, which is very complete,
and we are planning to translate it to Portuguese (Brazilian Portuguese
to be more specific).
I took a look into your license page and didn't find anything about the
tutorial, so, in the same spirit you have publishing the material for
free, we ask you if:

1) We can use it for our internal use;
2) We can publish it in Portuguese, with the full credit to you and link
to your site ( and credit mention to the translators
and revision guy. The release format was planned to be PDF, formatted
for printing, as well as ODF file;
3) If we can expand, switch parts of the tutorial and compile into
another version, keeping you as source author (with link too) and credit
mention to others that implemented something.

Thanks in advance for your great work.


Ernani Azevedo
ToErnani José Camargo Azevedo
SubjectRe: Permission to translate and publish the JavaScript tutorial
Date27 July 2009 18:23

It's all covered here:

You may use it for educational purposes, subject to the restrictions
mentioned on that page. You may *not* publish translated versions of it. You
may *not* publish modified versions of it. (People can produce their own PDF
versions using local installs of Prince.)

Note, however, that my contact page asked you very nicely not to contact me
for a few weeks, as I was not available. Please respect that next time, and
wait until I become available again before contacting me.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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