Eva Pavan


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FromEva Pavan
SubjectStatic logo creator info
Date21 May 2006 19:08
Hi Mark.

Just a question about the javascript "Static logo creator"

I've customized it for my page. ([URL]).

I've changed the 3rd parameter (4 to 1) because I've got  to place a banner
in a page that has not a "centred" layout, but a "top left" one. 

1,   //position of logo: 1 = top-left, 2 = top-right, 3 = bottom-left, 4 =

I've noticed that if the element overcomes the browser dimension and then I
scroll down till the end of the page the scrolling keep on going. even if
the page is over..  My banner is 520px height!

Do you have a solution for this problem? I've been trying to change the
source code for 2 days but without results. I'd really need your help!

Thanx a lot!

Eva Pavan
ToEva Pavan
SubjectRe: Static logo creator info
Date21 May 2006 20:22

> I've noticed that if the element overcomes the browser dimension and then I
> scroll down till the end of the page the scrolling keep on going. even if
> the page is over..

This is inherent in the way that absolutely positioned elements work, so I
doubt there is anything you can do easily to fix it. It would be better if
you were using fixed position elements, as these do not suffer from the same
problem. Unfortunately, while these work in Opera, Mozilla/Firefox,
Konqueror/Safari, iCab, ICE, Escape, and even IE on Mac, they do not work in
IE 5-6 on Windows. That means that the problem could be solved in all those
browsers, but not in IE on Windows. It would work in IE 7, but that will not
help until people start using it.

If you are interested, I have a page showing how to emulate position:fixed
in IE 5-6 on Windows, meaning that the problem will disappear in all
browsers except IE on Windows.

> My banner is 520px height!

Dare I say, that itself is useless :)

If the banner is bigger than the browser window, and the banner is fixed in
position, then people will not ever be able to see the bottom of it. Since
they can't see the bottom, you might as well make it shorter.

Generally, fixed positioning (or scripts that emulate it) is best suited to
elements that are very short.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromEva Pavan
SubjectRe: Static logo creator info
Date22 May 2006 10:10
Thanx a lot Mark!
I've tried the way you suggested me in the mail and i reached the
conclusions that i have to use a smaller banner if I want it fixed in the
page or bigger but not fixed... as you wisely explained me :)

I'll keep on checking your site (so interesting)

Thanx again.

Eva Pavan
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