George Fisher


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FromGeorge Fisher
SubjectRSS Parser, no form
Date13 April 2006 13:17
I have implemented your RSS parser on a server that supports PHP and it
works brilliantly. I am very impressed with what you have put together.
Simply stunning.

I would like to create a page that simply runs the parser and displays the
results rather than filling in a box in a form with the GO button.

Could you please tell me how to accomplish that?

Thanks very much,
George Fisher
ToGeorge Fisher
SubjectRe: RSS Parser, no form
Date13 April 2006 17:12

> I would like to create a page that simply runs the parser and
> displays the results rather than filling in a box in a form with the
> GO button.

remove the form and call this manually:
(where URL is the URL of your feed)

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromGeorge Fisher
SubjectRe: RSS Parser, no form
Date14 April 2006 05:34
Works like a charm, of course. Thanks very much
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