Gérard Talbot


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FromGérard Talbot
SubjectCSS 2.1 and Internet Explorer 7: quoting you
Date27 September 2006 02:41
Hello Mark Wilton-Jones,

I've written an article on IE7, CSS 2.1 and I am quoting you in this webpage:


I will eventually re-structure my own
section and add many other bugs I found.

I will (starting this evening) also list your numerous webpage on IE7 bugs
(idem est: http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/wrongWithIE/)
at the bottom of

We, web developers, need to stand connected+together and strong on this
issue. It's not good enough to want users to use Firefox 1.5+ or Safari
2.x or Opera 9+; we would need lots of amateur web authors to use better
editing tools, validators, etc..

Take care of yourself and please receive my warmest thanks for the
wonderful, useful, relevant website you maintain :)

Gérard Talbot
I truly agree with you when you say: "the latest IE release concentrated
on user interface, and security fixes and ignored the lack of standards
FromGérard Talbot
SubjectIE 8 vertical-align bug and IE 8 bug collection
Date16 March 2008 22:25
On the vertical-align: middle bug, you say
The same applies to align="middle".

but you should instead say
The same applies to valign="middle".

Also, you say
Block elements no longer detect hover or click unless the mouse is over
some text within them (this is an old bug that got fixed in IE 7 and
broken again in IE 8).

but, in some particular cases, like links with style display: block in
some precise contexts, there were bugs in IE 7:

I have linked your IE 8 browser bug collection in my IE 8 bug webpage:


Best regards, Gérard Talbot
ToGérard Talbot
SubjectRe: IE 8 vertical-align bug and IE 8 bug collection
Date17 March 2008 09:12

> but you should instead say
> The same applies to valign="middle".

Not in this case. I was referring to the align attribute on images, not the
valign attribute on table elements. Images do not have a valign attribute.
They use the align attribute with the value "middle". Most browsers also
understand the value "absmiddle" (I think this is a better kind of middle
relating to the line-height, not the baseline), but that is not in any HTML
standard. IE 8 also stopped understanding that.

> in some particular cases, like links with style display: block in
> some precise contexts, there were bugs in IE 7:

Those are some nice little bugs, and I was not aware of them. I must admit
they are not much of a surprise, since this is still IE of course, but well
found anyway.

In the case of the bugs listed on my IE 8 page, they are only the
regressions since IE 7 that I have discovered on my own sites. The two
variations you had found in IE 7 did not affect anything on my sites, and
the one that I found in IE 8 is basically a lot worse as it affects almost
all cases now, not just the two you mentioned.

The idea of the list was to help Web developers understand what is going
wrong when they had something that used to work in IE 7 and is now failing
in IE 8. Preparing a list of bugs that also affect earlier versions (such as
your own list) is out of scope, basically because there are so many bugs,
and I do not have the time to put so much research into it as you have done.

Thanks for the feedback.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromGérard Talbot
SubjectRe: IE 8 vertical-align bug and IE 8 bug collection
Date17 March 2008 15:22
Hello Tarquin,

Ok. You're right! :)
But CSS vertical-align: middle for table cells and valign="middle" for
table cells do not render as expected in IE 8 (I know I have tested for
those explicitly):


At least, valign="middle" for table header cells is no longer the default
in IE 8.

For images, I have:

> In the case of the bugs listed on my IE 8 page, they are only the
> regressions

Ok. Noted. This is also what I thought.

> failing in IE 8. Preparing a list of bugs that also affect earlier
> versions (such as your own list) is out of scope

I understand.
It took me basically 18-24 months to build my IE 7 bug collection ...
while trying to avoid repeating already reported elsewhere IE bugs in that

Best regards,

Gérard Talbot
FromGérard Talbot
SubjectYour duplicated list markers testcase in IE 8
Date24 March 2008 18:21
Hello Tarquin,

When I load
in IE 8 beta 1 (XP Pro SP2), then there is no bullet point to the left of
the second sentence, and reloading the page does not change that. So, it
appears, at first, that the testcase is not demonstrating your issue...
But when I select/highlight (with the mouse, by mouse-dragging) the text
of the second sentence, then the list-marker bullet appears. The
list-marker bullet of the 2nd sentence also appears after double-clicking
a word in that sentence.

Furthermore, if I select/highlight (with the mouse, by mouse-dragging) the
list-marker bullet itself of that 2nd sentence, then the list-marker
bullet disappears.

I've tested this very carefully and I can reproduce these "phantomatic"
behaviors consistently: these behaviors are reproducible 100% of the time.

Speaking of list-markers appearing and disappearing, I have a testcase
that demonstrate such behavior:

If you hover the mouse cursor pointer over the text of links in these 2


then you will see an extra, additional list-marker appearing in the
previous list-item. E.g. Hover the mouse over a 2nd link text and 2
list-markers will appear for the first list-item.

Regards, Gérard
ToGérard Talbot
SubjectRe: Your duplicated list markers testcase in IE 8
Date29 March 2008 08:43

> there is no bullet point to the left of the second sentence, and
> reloading the page does not change that

Reloading always makes it appear here, but it is a redraw issue. It also
appears when going back/forward on some pages, making some DHTML layer
move over it, or yes, selecting the text (select-all makes both bullet
markers disappear). I have added your steps to the pass condition. It
seems to be a general problem with various block and inline block
elements being combined on the page or in the list. There are multiple
ways to produce the same bug - this one just happened to be the first
variant I found, but I have since seen it in several other places where
blocks or inline-blocks are used around lists.
FromGérard Talbot
SubjectRe: Your duplicated list markers testcase in IE 8
Date29 March 2008 18:25
Hello Tarquin,

Well, I use XP Pro SP2 and reloading does not make it appear. Just
informing you about this.

>> but it is a redraw issue.

IE 7 had some stacking bugs but now, it seems there are more layer
stacking bugs in IE8b1. I have several examples of this.


being one of the worse

>> There are multiple ways to produce the same bug

Just curious, Tarquin: do you see an extra, phantom list-marker when you
hover the mouse cursor over the 2nd link in this testcase:


...and do you see extra, phantom list-markers appearing (at previous
list-item) when you hover the mouse cursors over the links in this


I'm wondering if you would be interested in linking your IE8b1 collection
of bugs webpage to mine.

One last question... but an important one. I'm more and more wondering if
creating a web ring of IE8 collection of bugs is an idea that people (like
yourself) would support and join. All that would be needed for
participants would be
- add a particular image (gif, png) indicating its participation into such
web ring of IE8 collection of bugs
- a participant would have to provide at least 2 bugs with respective
- a participant would have to list links to other web-ring-participants'
IE8 bug collections.

I'm pretty sure several others would join. It certainly would compensate
for absence of IE database bug reporting system (when such semi-public
online database is off) or its current miserability (poor usability, many
annoyances, many bugs being closed instead of being futured, etc.).

Bugs would have to be related to W3C web standards (or official standards
bodies), preferably stable, final and official releases (not working

I dearly value W3C web standards. I personally use and prefer Firefox but
I certainly do not object or mind against other browsers, including IE,
achieving compliance, conformance of W3C web standards and more
correctness in its implementation of such web standards. I'm happy when I
read that Safari nightly build passes acid3 test or that an internal
nightly build of Opera passes acid3. I think all people who value web
standards should.

Best regards, Gérard
ToGérard Talbot
SubjectRe: Your duplicated list markers testcase in IE 8
Date3 April 2008 23:58

> IE 7 had some stacking bugs but now, it seems there are more layer
> stacking bugs in IE8b1.

It forgets to draw the top/bottom padding and borders of an inline
element if they extend beyond the line-height (not the various boxes) of
the parent element. But notice that it only applies to padding and 1px
borders. Thicker borders work fine, which shows it cannot just be stacking.

It is closely related to my underline-on-monospace bug - where the
underline extends beyond the line-height and is not drawn as a result.
In fact, I even saw this bug when debugging that one, and forgot to
record it.

> do you see an extra, phantom list-marker when you
> hover the mouse cursor over the 2nd link in this testcase:

Yes. This is just another variation of the previous issue that I have
seen elsewhere. In this case, a list marker will be duplicated if a
child block element has border or padding (the duplicate will be offset
by the padding/border thickness), and the document is redrawn.

No doubt there will be hundreds of different ways to produce this same
bug, relating to redraws and various block or inline block constructs
around list items.

> creating a web ring

I cover link-exchange schemes on my contact page.
FromGérard Talbot
SubjectSubmitting your CSS bug tests to CSS 2.1 test suite
Date20 December 2009 19:35
Hello Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones,

I am in charge of creating CSS tests for the upcoming CSS 2.1 test suite
which may originally be coming from outside the W3C community and from
outside of browser manufacturers in the form of bug reports or webpages
showing problems in a particular browser. My work involves turning,
transforming these into usable CSS2.1 test cases which comply with the
required format.

CSS 2.1 test suite, Test Format

Once done according to all test format requirements, I try to contact
the people originally involved with the discovery, the investigation of
a test. The test case I do may not be like the original webpage: often,
the test case is small, terse.

Now, on your webpage
I see your min-width test case and I think it would be a great
contribution to the CSS 2.1 test suite. Your min-width test
is already excellent, well built.

I already submitted 14 tests for [name], about 20 tests for
[name] and several others. They are all identifying and crediting
accordingly the people involved and the people who deserve to be

Here's my "home" basis:
Contributions to CSS 2.1 test suite

and the submitted tests so far


There is also an incoming folder
which just is sort of a "standby" folder for some tests or because they
are not ready to be submitted yet.

The submitted folder is
and have all tests which are ready for final reviewing.

I am willing and, in fact, I would be happy to add your name under a
<link> for credit into the test. This is possible under the current CSS
2.1 test suite, file format:

 A test can have multiple author credits if necessary.

 CSS 2.1 Test Suite, Test Format: credits

Once the test(s) have been submitted, then you (and any other people
involved into the discovery of the bug or the making of the tests) have
to sign the W3C form about licensing:

... otherwise I can not add your name to credit your involvement.

So far, all of the people ([names]) who accepted to cooperate
with me have signed the W3C form and their form is available via the W3C
archived mailing list. You can view how I filled up this form myself:


and how anyone/everyone else have filled up the form by going through the


mailing list and by looking for entries which start with

[wbs] response to 'Grant II: Grant of License for Contributed Test Cases
Published Outside a W3C Recommendation' WBS Mailer on behalf of

Another thing about the filling of the form is that you can update the
data of the form later (until october 2010) or submit an additional form
to complete, update the previous one.

If you have any question or if you would like to submit more/other tests
to be included in the test suite, please let me know about it.

best regards and season's greetings, Gérard Talbot
ToGérard Talbot
SubjectRe: Submitting your CSS bug tests to CSS 2.1 test suite
Date30 December 2009 10:56

> your min-width test case [...] would be a great
> contribution to the CSS 2.1 test suite

My daily work involves a large amount of reducing Web pages to produce
testcases, so I am sure a vast amount of what I produce would be suitable
for the testsuite. In most cases, however, I dislike submitting my work to
public archives - I write it either for my employer or for my site.

In this particular case though, so many browsers make such a mess with this
particular piece of CSS that I really would like to see them all fix it. The
Firefox and Safari bug in particular affects a huge number of pages, to the
extent that those pages actually rely on it, like the way that many rely on
IE bugs (the same pages often relied on an IE 7 float margin bug to achieve
the same effect). Browsers that behave correctly are ignored as if they have
a bug.

The result is an extremely unpredictable piece of CSS, with no current
implementations getting it right. Therefore I would be happy for this test
to become part of the W3C suite. It will need some work first though - see

> any other people
> involved into the discovery of the bug or the making of the tests

The Firefox (and copycat Safari) bug has been known for a very long time,
and many people have debugged it on many occasions. I have no idea who
discovered it, but I have encountered it several times while debugging
layout problems on float-and-table-based sites.

The IE and Opera bug was discovered by me while making my gallery script,
and I am the only person involved in reducing it to a testcase.

> then you have
> to sign the W3C form about licensing:

Please do not force me to sign up to yet another thing that I am not
interested in actively following. Use my testcase as a basis to make your
own, but leave me out of it. I am signed up to too many systems already.

> Your min-width test is already excellent, well built.

It has several problems that will need to be sorted out before it can be
used in such a generic suite as the one you are maintaining:

1. The title describes the IE bug - it needs to be more generic.

2. The test cannot ever pass if the window is narrow (eg. a phone screen) -
on a normal Windows install, it will always fail for a width of about 350 px
or less, but this depends on the browser's default font.

3. It will always pass on an extremely wide screen or multiple monitor setup
or zoomed-out display - on a normal Windows install, it will always pass for
a viewport width of about 5000 px or more, but this depends on the browser's
default font.

Normally, I would use the Ahem font to make sure I was always working with
fixed size fonts, and then set the pass condition appropriately; make the
container width be a number of ems wide, base all measurements on that, and
make the pass condition relate to whether or not the blocks of Ahem content
were wrapping. However, I can't force my visitors to install that font, so I
just used something that would show IE's bug on most normal displays.
Setting the body width to 50em might be enough to cope with all
configurations (though on mobile screens, the text would then be initially
invisible until the user scrolls, if the browser shares Firefox's bug).
Perhaps you can use Ahem in the W3C suite.

FromGérard Talbot
SubjectRe: Submitting your CSS bug tests to CSS 2.1 test suite
Date30 December 2009 18:24

One problem that is now occuring is that [company] submitted 7201 test
cases to the CSS 2.1 test suite. So, before even thinking of submitting
a test case, you have to search and see if the test(s) you would want to
submit has not been already submitted to the CSS 2.1 test suite by
Microsoft. This step is now becoming more and more time consuming.

> > In most cases, however, I dislike submitting
> > my work to public archives - I write it either for my employer or for my
> > site.

The CSS 2.1 test suite is not just any ordinary public archive. When
submitting a testcase (or several), you have to fill up a form stating
that you are the author or a contributing author and then give details,
specifics about this. I think you can trust me. You can see how I fill
up that W3C form and see how the others ([names]) have signed that form,
have filled up that form.

That W3C form is mostly to credit people who deserve credit but also to
avoid any battle or fighting over who created the test or discovered +
reported a browser bug one day.

> > In this particular case though, so many browsers make such a mess with
> > this particular piece of CSS that I really would like to see them all
> > fix it.

When I started creating test cases for the CSS 2.1 test suite, it was
because I wanted browsers, in particular upcoming IE9, to fix many CSS
bugs we found in IE8. And one of the only assured, guaranteed way to
have such bugs fixed was to submit relevant test cases to the CSS 2.1
test suite.... as Microsoft would presumably not tolerate, not accept to
be told/replied later something like "Well, you still fail to pass the
CSS 2.1 test suite, ... IE9 fails a bunch of CSS 2.1 tests... Firefox 4
achieves a better score than IE9 in the CSS 2.1 test suite.. etc."

> > Please do not force me to sign up

If you sign (now or later) the W3C form, then I can (and will) add a
<link> crediting you/your involvement in that test.

If you do NOT sign the W3C form, then I can NOT add a <link> crediting
you/your involvement in that test.

> > Use my testcase as a basis to make your own,

This is what I usually do. Then I put such test case in the incoming
folder so that the contributing author (you!) and I can make adjustments
or anything. Last night, I just did that for [name]:


[name] original test:

and today I got an email from [name] saying that he's happy with
those 6 (border-style: hidden on sub-table elements) tests.

> > but leave me out of it. I am signed up to too many systems
> > already.

Fine. No problem. If one day you ever want to change your mind about
this, there won't be a problem either.

My copy of the test case made from your min-width test case will have a
<link> reference crediting you... but the submitted test case to the CSS
2.1 test suite will not have a <link> reference crediting you. This is
what you request.

>> >> Your min-width test is already excellent, well built.
> >
> > It has several problems

Compared to what I've seen before, it is well built :)

> > that will need to be sorted out before it can be
> > used in such a generic suite as the one you are maintaining:

[name] is currently the maintainor of the CSS 2.1 test suite.

> > 2. The test cannot ever pass if the window is narrow

2. browser window viewport width
 it's possible to edit a PREREQUISITE note in the test regarding medium
(excluding mobile or small screen rendering devices) or imposing some
kind of constraints such as minimum viewport width; right now, it is a
bit early to do that. Also, the uncommon assumptions text of CSS 2.1
test suite states:

Uncommon Assumptions

In addition, some of the tests make one or more of the following
    * The device has a viewport width of at least 640px (approx).

> > 3. It will always pass on an extremely wide screen

3. very large browser window viewport width
Believe it or not, we had a discussion about this (what would be a
minimum for a maximum window viewport width) as people are using more
and more larger monitor screen and we want the CSS 2.1 test suite to be
useful, helpful, still reliable and meaningful for at least 6 years and
for various media.

The last email on this particular point was:


In some test cases where content must overflow and involving overflow:
auto, then an assumption must be made about the maximum window width of
the UA. We just can not create a single 10,000 character long word
without a white-space and think that this is a good test :)

Right now, I think the assumed maximum window width will be 2048px but
this is not my decision.

> > but this depends on the browser's default font.

Correct. Font-size has an impact in such cases. In all tests from
[name] (see all of the max-*, min-* tests submitted), I used a
(color green and red) font: 200px/1 Ahem;

> > However, I can't force my visitors to install that font,

Ahem is a requirement (to install) for the CSS 2.1 test suite; there is
just too many tests using it.

> > Perhaps you can use Ahem in the W3C suite.

We do use/rely on/ require the Ahem font in the CSS 2.1 test suite.
"many of the tests require the Ahem font to be installed."
Maybe 1 test out of 3 I submitted requires the Ahem font to be installed.

I'll start doing min-width tests based on your test and will let you
know about my progress in the next few days (maybe even today!). The
min-width tests will first appear in
and then in
and then finally in

best regards and season's greetings, Gérard
FromGérard Talbot
SubjectYour min-width test (bug in all browsers)
Date6 January 2010 19:26

I have started to work on the CSS 2.1 min-width tests.

I believe your current


test should explicitly indicate (as an expected result) that the tested
sentence should appear on the left side of the page and not at the right
side of the page.

Also, the ideal font-size unit for this kind of test could be the CSS 3
vw unit defined as:

"The 'vw' unit is relative to the viewport's width. The viewport's width
is equal to 100 'vw' units."
CSS3 Values and Units

I have started doing tests, experimenting:


I'd say so far the worse browser is Safari 4.0.4; also Konqueror 4.3.4
is not doing so great in those tests.

This may take me more time than expected.

I have been called to work tomorrow (I work after snow storm in [location]
during several days and for approx 14 hours a day) so working on the
min-width tests will take me more than a week. I'm merely notifying you

best regards and all the best for you in 2010,

Gérard Talbot
This site was created by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones.
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