Giftson Honimon


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FromGiftson Honimon
SubjectHelp in PHP
Date22 October 2004 3:36
      I have to configure PHP in weblogic server and that too in solaris
machine. Have tried extracting the unix download for PHP in the weblogic
area and trying running a simple hello PHP programme, I am getting 500
Internal Server Error(failed to execute hello.php). I would appericiate if
you help resolving this problem.

ToGiftson Honimon
SubjectRe: Help in PHP
Date22 October 2004 8:24

Apache typically produces the '500 Internal Server Error' when it is unable
to communicate with the processing module. Either the mod_php has failed to
load, or if you are using PHP as CGI, then the PHP executable does not seem
to be available. (I get this error with Tomcat JSP processing when the
Tomcat server crashes.)

If using the module in Apache or a compatible web server;
* Have you got the correct version of the PHP module for your version of
* Is your httpd.conf file set up to load the PHP module (and is it pointing
  to the correct location of the module files) - using the loadmodule
* If your install requires it, is it set up to add the module -using the
  insmod command
* Is it set up to parse .php files as PHP - using the addtype command

If using the CGI in any web server:
* Have you told the webserver where to find the php executable, or is it in
  one of the path directories (typically one of /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin)
* Does the php executable actually run if you try to run it from the command

full installation instructions are given on:

Hope this helps

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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