Giuseppe Martina


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FromGiuseppe Martina
SubjectProblems in MultiGraph examples page with Internet Explorer
Date26 September 2007 15:58
Attachmentslots of screenshots
Hello Mark,
I have some chart visualization problems on your MultiGraph examples
page with Internet Explorer. I tested your page also with Firefox and
it works fine.
Here the informations that you need.

1 What browser(s) you were using
  Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox 1.5

2 What operating system(s) you were using
  WinKxp and Win2k

3 What doctype tag you use with your page (more important than you realise!)

4 A URL of the page where the error occurred

5 What you did to produce the error
  I just visited the url.

6  description of what happened
  With Internet explorer the charts are not correctly displayed

7 Any script error messages
  I didn't receive any error message

I attached a zip file containing some pictures with the wrong and the
correct behaviour.
Thank you very much for your support.

Best regards,
ToGiuseppe Martina
SubjectRe: Problems in MultiGraph examples page with Internet Explorer
Date30 September 2007 11:30

> I have some chart visualization problems on your MultiGraph examples
> page with Internet Explorer.

Thanks for the bug report. The bug itself was caused by IE's strange
handling of clip; it understands the correct syntax and an incorrect
syntax (based on a typo in CSS 2.0 that was fixed in later versions of
the CSS spec). But for some reason, when the page triggers "standards"
rendering mode, it stops recognising the correct syntax and expects the
incorrect one. I have released an update that avoids this problem.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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