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SubjectYour server not reaction properly to http queries?
Date26 March 2006 07:14
Hello Tarquin,

I was just curios if you've noticed that your site is not available under but with added 'www' - it works.
Some Freind of mine told me that this was mainly a server preference and
that it barely suits a sepcific purpose. I just wanted to know if you know
of it and if if it is expected behaviour four you.

SubjectRe: Your server not reaction properly to http queries?
Date26 March 2006 07:38

> I was just curios if you've noticed that your site is not available under
> but with added 'www' - it works.

yep :) I am well aware of that.

This is due to the way DNS and virtual host setup is done on the server, and
makes it much more easy for my host to administer it (meaning that it is not
a simple preference, and will not be changed). Everyone knows to use www
anyway, so it does not matter.

There is no requirement (or real need) for a server to respond on the root
domain. Many do so just for the convenience.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
SubjectRe: Your server not reaction properly to http queries?
Date26 March 2006 16:23
Hello again Tarquin, thanks for the quick response :)

> There is no requirement (or real need) for a server to respond on the
> root domain. Many do so just for the convenience.

I know this is for convenience, I just thought if this was trivial it could
be fixed. In this case, I'm fine with your explanation and will type-in
'www' next time ;)

At this point, let me apologise for my bad spelling in the last email. I
just read it again and saw it was horrible. It was quite late (or early..)
in here and English is not my native language. Hope you understand
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