H.J. Pallesen


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FromH.J. Pallesen
SubjectMini Windows
Date10 September 2004 12:06
I like your mini windows, and would like to load them with som database

Is there a way to make your mini windows scrollable so it could work like an
iframe without loading 'content' with an iframe.

I have tried with an iframe but when you drag and resize the mini windows in
mozilla/netscape the iframe window hangs at the original height og the min

Best regards

H.J. Pallesen
ToH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date10 September 2004 13:04
Yes, this is a very irritating bug in Mozilla - also get related bugs in
Safari and IE Mac

To make it scrollable, you should use
<div style="overflow:auto;height:100px;width:100%;" id="blah">CONTENT</div>
as the content. This will only work if you restrict the height to an exact
size. It will not work if you use a relative size, so you may not want to
make the mini windows resizable.

I did once find someone else's script that could make a (very ugly) mini
window resizable and have a scrollbar, but it never worked properly in all
the main browsers, so I'm afraid that this is the best I can do.

Hope you find this useful

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date12 September 2004 12:31
I have actually found some mini windows at http://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/
that are scrollable and resizable. They work find in IE, but in mozilla,
when loaded with to much data, scrolling is slow. Do you think you could
be inspired there to find a way to make your mini windows scrollable?
ToH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date13 September 2004 08:23
I'm afraid it is not as easy as that page makes it seem. It uses a clipped
scrolling layer and does not actually use real scrollbars. If I were to
implement this, I would use real scrollbars, using the overflow:auto; style,
as that allows the browser to do it all itself.

However, there are a number of issues that I would need to take into
consideration. One of the primary goals of my scripts is to work in as many
browsers as possible. With the technique used by that site, there are many
problems with older browsers (to the extent that content is either missing
or is spread across the page), and using overflow would also cause problems
in OmniWeb, Konqueror and Safari 1.1- (and these are current browsers, not
legacy ones).

Until I can work out how to avoid these problems, I will not be
implementing the functionality into my script. I do have plans to implement
it, but I am afraid it will not be as easy as just changing one or two
style declarations.
FromH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date13 September 2004 10:07
I see yur point about letting the browser to do the scrolling peace by
itself. But as you have stated before, the height has to be an exact size,
which would leave out he resize functionallity. Or can you have both?
ToH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date13 September 2004 10:59
if done properly, it would scroll and be resizable, since the CSS would
make it dynamic.
but when I tried it, it didn't work as well as I had wanted in everything I
wanted it to work in. I will get it to work eventually, but I am afraid it
will not be as soon as you seem to want it.
ToH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date13 September 2003 21:24
ok, ok, I'm working on it :)

I got a major bug in Mozilla that I need to work around - it should only
take a few hours work for me to work out what I need to do to avoid it.
Basically, each of the browsers has its own little bugs, but mozilla has got
as many as all the other browsers put together. I hope to have it working,
with scrollbars and resizable, within the next few days.
FromH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date14 September 2004 11:00
I am eager to see the result.
I have tried to figure out the height of the mini window, but can't.
It puzzles me how a mini window can be shown (you build it with tables and
div's), because looking at the source code on at page with a mini window, I
don't see any mini window html tags. How do you do that?
ToH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date14 September 2004 14:21
> I am eager to see the result.

It is ready now.

> I have tried to figure out the height of the mini window, but can't.

you can find the exact height using this code:
var x = getRefToDivNest( nameOfMaximisedWindow );
var windowHeight = 0;
if( nameOfMaximisedWindow
 if( nameOfMaximisedWindow.offsetHeight ) {
   windowHeight = nameOfMaximisedWindow.offsetHeight;
 } else if( nameOfMaximisedWindow.clip ) {
   windowHeight = nameOfMaximisedWindow.clip.bottom;

You can also set the height manually using this code:
maximiseWin( nameOfMaximisedWindow, nameOfMinimisedWindow );

> It puzzles me how a mini window can be shown (you build it with tables and
> div's), because looking at the source code on at page with a mini window, I
> don't see any mini window html tags. How do you do that?

Exactly like you just said. It is not a real window. It is a fake window,
made from carefully styled <div> and <table> tags to look like real windows.

In theory, you can now put this in as the window content, making it almost
a real window:
<iframe src="http://www.google.com" height="100%" width="100%"></iframe>
However, Mozilla will not move the iframe, Opera will not be able to move
it or minimise etc, Safari/OmniWeb, Konqueror and IE Mac will fail to show
the iframe properly if it gets too close to the edge of the page, and may
just decide not to move it at all. Other browsers may just show nothing at
all. My advice, don't use an iframe as the content :)

Real windows, also called popups, can also be opened with JavaScript, but
these may be blocked using popup blockers:
FromH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date15 September 2004 11:29
Concerning the issue, that when a mini window content is loaded with an
iframe, the iframe does not resize with the windows
on Mozilla browsers, I did try a little experiment that works to some

In your  doActualResize function id added (I gave the iframe the id 'if1')

    var pObj = document.getElementById('if1');

Then iframe then did follow the div on resize in Mozilla, but the movements
are slow and jerky.
ToH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date21 September 2004 22:39
Thank you very much for having added the scrolling possibility in the
Mini Windows script.

I have one more thing to ask.

Would it be possible that 'content' could be loaded with e.g. a html
file that were not prepared, so I could
Do a 
var nameObject = createMiniWinLayer('<? include('content.htm');?>', etc.

As it is any text has to be on one line or you get a string constant


H.J. Pallesen
FromH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date15 September 2004 11:29
This looks like PHP :)
Should be fairly easy to make PHP convert a file into valid JavaScript


function include_as_string( $fileName ) {
 $handle = fopen( $fileName, 'rb' );
   if( !$handle ) {
     print 'Unable to open file'.htmlSpecialChars($fileName);
   } else {
     $fileStr = fread( $handle, filesize($fileName) );
     $fileStr = addslashes($fileStr);
     $fileStr = str_replace("/","\\/",$fileStr);
     $fileStr = preg_replace("/\r?\n/","\\\\n",$fileStr);
     print $fileStr;


now you can call that function like this:

var nameObject = createMiniWinLayer(
    '<? include_as_string("content.htm"); ?>',

content.htm should have valid HTML (closing </div>, </tr>, </td> and
</table> tags without corresponding opening ones will cause problems), and
should _only_ include the body contents, not the <html>, <head> or <body>

If you want to do this with JavaScript, it is also possible, but a bit
create the mini window with no content and immediately set its height to
the desired height
Embed an iframe into the end of the page and use CSS to hide it.
<div  style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;">
<iframe src="content.htm" height="1" width="1"></iframe></div>
attach the onload event to the body of content.htm, and make it rewrite the
[Ed. 'this.innerHTML' should be 'document.body.innerHTML' - see below]

Personally, I recommend the PHP approach if at all possible, since it is
more cross-browser compatible, and is much more simple to implement.

FromH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date15 September 2004 11:29
Concerning the issue, that when a mini window content is loaded with an
iframe, the iframe does not resize with the windows
on Mozilla browsers, I did try a little experiment that works to some

In your  doActualResize function id added (I gave the iframe the id 'if1')

    var pObj = document.getElementById('if1');

Then iframe then did follow the div on resize in Mozilla, but the movements
are slow and jerky.
FromH.J. Pallesen
SubjectMini Windows again
Date21 September 2004 22:39
Thank you very much for having added the scrolling possibility in the
Mini Windows script.

I have one more thing to ask.

Would it be possible that 'content' could be loaded with e.g. a html
file that were not prepared, so I could
Do a 
var nameObject = createMiniWinLayer('<? include('content.htm');?>', etc.

As it is any text has to be on one line or you get a string constant


H.J. Pallesen
ToH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows again
Date22 September 2004 09:07
This looks like PHP :)
Should be fairly easy to make PHP convert a file into valid JavaScript


function include_as_string( $fileName ) {
 $handle = fopen( $fileName, 'rb' );
   if( !$handle ) {
     print 'Unable to open file'.htmlSpecialChars($fileName);
   } else {
     $fileStr = fread( $handle, filesize($fileName) );
     $fileStr = addslashes($fileStr);
     $fileStr = str_replace("/","\\/",$fileStr);
     $fileStr = preg_replace("/\r?\n/","\\\\n",$fileStr);
     print $fileStr;


now you can call that function like this:

var nameObject = createMiniWinLayer(
    '<? include_as_string("content.htm"); ?>',

content.htm should have valid HTML (closing </div>, </tr>, </td> and
</table> tags without corresponding opening ones will cause problems), and
should _only_ include the body contents, not the <html>, <head> or <body>

If you want to do this with JavaScript, it is also possible, but a bit
create the mini window with no content and immediately set its height to
the desired height
Embed an iframe into the end of the page and use CSS to hide it.
<div  style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;">
<iframe src="content.htm" height="1" width="1"></iframe></div>
attach the onload event to the body of content.htm, and make it rewrite the
[Ed. 'this.innerHTML' should be 'document.body.innerHTML' - see below]

Personally, I recommend the PHP approach if at all possible, since it is
more cross-browser compatible, and is much more simple to implement.

FromH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows again
Date22 September 2004 09:35
Thankyou - I did not think of that approch.
I was thinking in the direction of
[using a server side script to embed the HTML into the main document inside
a DIV, then reading the contents of that DIV into the rewriting function]


I discovered this:
this.innerHTML does not work in the body onload event.
I had to put a div tag with id name around the inner html stuff and then
make the function call

[Ed. see my later comment about this]

just before the body end tag.
Else I got an 'undefined' script error.

Another issue:

netscape 7.02 won't display the scroll bars - not on your demo either.

H.J. Pallesen
ToH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows again
Date22 September 2004 15:43
> I discovered this:
> this.innerHTML does not work in the body onload event.

I forgot about that one. yes, for some stupid reason, even though the event
handler is in a body attribute, the active object is the window object, not
the body.

you can use document.body.innerHTML to be certain

> Another issue:
> netscape 7.02 won't display the scroll bars

correct. I have disabled scrollbars in browsers using Gecko engines earlier
than Mozilla 1.5, because due to a CSS bug, they made the mini window
collapse to be 0 pixels high when it used overflow: auto; - I tried to fix
it but it was yet another Gecko bug that I found when trying to do
scrollbars. I'm afraid that this is how it will have to stay.

> divIdName.innerHTML

please don't do this. it is non standard and will only work in IE and Opera.
use this instead, as it is fully cross browser (5th generation):

FromH.J. Pallesen
SubjectMini Windows
Date28 September 2004 09:07
Having complained about missing scrollbars in netscape 7.02 you answered:

'I have disabled scrollbars in browsers using Gecko engines earlier
than Mozilla 1.5, because due to a CSS bug, they made the mini window
collapse to be 0 pixels high when it used overflow: auto; - I tried to fix
it but it was yet another Gecko bug that I found when trying to do
scrollbars. I'm afraid that this is how it will have to stay.'

I would like then to do something else than showing mini windows when Gecko
engines earlier than Mozilla 1.5
are being used.
So - with php how do I in general test for Mozilla < 1.5?

And could you also pinpoint the code in your movewindows.js script where you
make that check. I can't find it.

Because even if I cannot resize a mini window using e.g. netscape 6, I would
like to make the window scrollable
using overflow:auto. Netscape 6 can at least do that.


H.J. Pallesen
ToH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date28 September 2004 11:59
> So - with php how do I in general test for Mozilla < 1.5?

as a general rule; you don't.
server side browser detection is inherently flawed.
Most browsers privide ways to deliberately misidentify themselves as other
browsers, and server side scripts are usually not able to cope with this.

> And could you also pinpoint the code in your movewindows.js script where
> you make that check. I can't find it.

This is what I use to detect these Mozilla releases:
navigator.product == 'Gecko' && navigator.taintEnabled &&
typeof( document.textContent ) == 'undefined'

If you search within the script source for document.textContent you will
find where I have used that code.

With Mozilla based browsers, the product property of the navigator object
is always 'Gecko'. The check for taintEnabled ensures that Safari is not
misidentified as Mozilla, and the check for document.textContent ensures
that the version is less than 1.5, since this property was only implemented
in that version.
FromH.J. Pallesen
SubjectMini Windows
Date29 September 2004 07:44
The resize and scroll functionality works fine in IE.

But in Gecko browsers (tested in Netscape 7.2 and Mozilla 1.6 1.7) I cannot
get it to work properly.

The problems:

When I use this solution:

and then call the resize function
(resizeWin('MWJminiwinMAX1','MWJminiwinMIN1', 300,300 );) to set the height

I get a fine looking mini window with scrollbars in Gecko.

But as soon as I click the resize image, the mini window grows in height to
full size, so with a lot of text this could be several pages.

I have tried also to put all html in the content variable(on one line).
Now the mini window seems to behave better, but still misbehaves. The resize
image jums from the lower right corner and moves upwards - out of place.

It could be nice also, if you could set the height of the window in the
createMiniWinLayer function call, as you can do with the width.


H.J. Pallesen
ToH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date30 September 2004 17:05
yup, looks like you have discovered a bug. let me see if I can solve it
ToH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date30 September 2004 23:17
> I get a fine looking mini window with scrollbars in Gecko.
> But as soon as I click the resize image, the mini window grows in height
> to full size, so with a lot of text this could be several pages.

Unfortunately, even after spending many hours struggling with this, I could
not find any way at all to avoid it. It seems to be a bug within the way
that the Gecko engine treats overflow:auto. For some unknown reason, if you
change the element's contents (in this particular case, using innerHTML),
and the new content exceeds the original size of the element, Gecko engine
no longer applies the overflow declaration properly. (It already has enough
problems with overflow:auto; - as testified by the number of bugs I have
already had to fix with that - so this is no real surprise to me) The
problem is made worse when resizing the element with script. I have added a
warning about this into the script instructions.

> The resize image jums from the lower right corner and moves upwards
> - out of place.

yes, known problem - one of the other overflow:auto; bugs. I have alrerady
partially prevented this using a height that is calculated to best avoid
the drag handle displacement. I cannot make this any better without
producing a large, ugly, blank space, please accept it as it is.

> It could be nice also, if you could set the height of the window in the
> createMiniWinLayer function call, as you can do with the width.

There is no need, since you can already set the height using the resizing
function, immediately after creating the mini window. The height is
deliberately omited, firstly to be nice to older browsers, and secondly to
prevent scrolling problems. If I were to implement this, it would be a case
of creating the window, then calling the resize function myself, so there
is nothing that would be saved by my implementing this.
FromH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date3 October 2004 08:50
To overcome the overflow:auto problem in Gecko, would it not be possible
to actually code the scrolling functionality
using div's with images (e.g. up and down arrows and a slidebar), so
when moving the slidebar or pressing an arrow div, text would scroll up
or downwards? You do calculate the position of the resize div, the
positions of the other divs could also be calculated I should think.

And as for loading a lot of html (a whole file for instance) without
having to put it all on one line, I thought it could be done by
splitting the createMiniWinLayer in 2 halves:
In the first part you write all the html stuff up to where the content
In the second part the rest of the mini window stuff is written.
So - on the page calling the mini windows you have
1: createMiniWinLayer_part1 function call
2: The content displayed outside a script
3: createMiniWinLayer_part2 function call, which ends the mini window.
That way you would have loaded the content in the process of creating
the mini window, and not after the mini window was created.

What do you think of that?
ToH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date4 October 2004 08:28
> would it not be possible to actually code the scrolling functionality
> using div's with images (e.g. up and down arrows and a slidebar)

yes it would, but I am not going to write this part. the way I have done it
is the correct (and more accessible) way to do it. If you wish to write
this part yourself, feel free to do so. Personally, I feel that since it is
a bug, it is up to the Mozilla group to fix it, and once fixed it will work
properly. I have already spent a great deal of my time on the bugs in this
browser, and I cannot really afford to use some more to write a scrolling
algorithm, when if the browser did what it was supposed to do, it would
already work.

> And as for loading a lot of html (a whole file for instance) without
> having to put it all on one line, I thought it could be done by
> splitting the createMiniWinLayer in 2 halves:

Yes, you can do this if you want.

var oContent = '<table>...etc...</table>';
var nameObject = createMiniWinLayer(
    ... etc...

It might also be useful to note that JavaScript does not insist that the
string is on one line. you can split a string onto multiple lines by using
the concatenation operator:

var oContent = '<table>'+
FromH.J. Pallesen
SubjectRe: Mini Windows
Date6 October 2004 14:09
The best solution in supporting Gecko browsers as well I found was:
I decided to load content with iframes like this
First window
'<iframe src="contest.htm" name="ifMWJminiwinMAX1" id="ifMWJminiwinMAX1"
frameborder="no" height="250px" width="100%"></iframe>'
Second window
<iframe src="contest.htm" name="ifMWJminiwinMAX2" id="ifMWJminiwinMAX2"
frameborder="no" height="250px" width="100%"></iframe>',
I ajust the height in the frame but the width in the function call.

Then in the doActualResize function I added
    var pObj = document.getElementById('if'+window.storeLayer[0].id);

Now the iframes ajust to the mini windows in Gecko browsers when dragging.

I am fairly content with that solution.


H.J. Pallesen
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