Harry H. Arends


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FromHarry H. Arends
Subjectshowhide.js wont close
Date11 January 2006 18:37
I try to use youre showhide.js script on my aspx page.
The page loads correct, when i hover the mouse over the link the extra
message shows but it wont go away and in the left bottum of the explorer
browser it says that the script is complete but with errors. 
Cant find anything about the problem in your other emails.
Please find enclosed the aspx page.
Thank in advance for any help and greetings
ToHarry H. Arends
SubjectRe: showhide.js wont close
Date11 January 2006 21:02

> I try to use youre showhide.js script on my aspx page.
> The page loads correct, when i hover the mouse over the link the extra
> message shows but it wont go away and in the left bottum of the explorer
> browser it says that the script is complete but with errors. 

This looks like it should be easy enough to sort out, but I need you to do a
couple more things for me:

1. Can you load the page in Opera < http://www.opera.com/download/ >, and
copy/paste to me any messages you get in Opera's error console (tools -
advanced - javascript console).

2. You have sent me the raw ASP code. I do not know ASP (or your server
setup), so I do not know what is actually being given to the browser. Can
you put the page on your server, load it in Opera (not IE or Firefox,
because they corrupt the page when saving), save a copy of the page and send
me what you saved from Opera.

That should be enough for now :)

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromHarry H. Arends
SubjectRe: showhide.js wont close
Date11 January 2006 21:27
Hi Tarquin,

Here's the code from Opera. There where  no errors in the console.
At the end when the script works it should when i hover over a number show
me the content from that Stable and if possible just beneat the number.


ToHarry H. Arends
SubjectRe: showhide.js wont close
Date12 January 2006 11:20

> Here's the code from Opera. There where  no errors in the console.

Pity there are no errors, but I can see why. You have two unrelated
problems in the page.

1. You tell my script to show the div, but not to hide it again. Change

<a href="javascript:showdiv('D123');" onmouseover="showdiv('D123')"
style="text-decoration: none;">123</a>

To this:

<a href="javascript:showdiv('D123');" onmouseover="showdiv('D123')"
onmouseout="hidediv()" style="text-decoration: none;">123</a>

2. The reason you are getting all those (useless) errors in IE; your tables
use this:

onMouseover='changeto(event, 'yellow')'
onMouseout='changeback(event, 'lightgreen')'

You are using the same quotes inside the attributes as you use to define
them, so they are ending prematurely. You need to use different quote types
if you want to allow that. Something like this:

onMouseover="changeto(event, 'yellow')"
onMouseout="changeback(event, 'lightgreen')"

Or possibly this (using HTML entities for the inner quotes):

onMouseover='changeto(event, &#39;yellow&#39;)'
onMouseout='changeback(event, &#39;lightgreen&#39;)'

Hope this helps.
This site was created by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones.
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