J Wolpert


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FromJ Wolpert
Subjectno right click... works for all browsers tested
Date6 May 2006 10:44
no right click... works for all browsers tested , bonecho(firefox 2.0 beta)
and safari

function ckIE(){if (event.button==2) return ck();}
function ckNS(e){if(e.which==2||e.which==3) return ck();}
function ckOP(e){if(e && e.ctrlKey)return ck();}
function ck(){alert("Bad Dog!");return false;}
if(window.opera) {//Opera
    document.onmousedown = ckOP;
    window.location = "http://opera.com"; // oh well! opera cheats!
} else if (document.layers) { //some old netscappy thing
} else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById) { // some old ie thing
document.oncontextmenu=ck; // standards
ToJ Wolpert
SubjectRe: no right click... works for all browsers tested
Date6 May 2006 14:06
> if(window.opera) {//Opera
>     document.onmouseup=null;
>     document.onmousedown = ckOP;
>     window.location = "http://opera.com"; // oh well! opera 

I am not interested in any script that breaks the user's interface by
denying the user access to their own menus. And especially not one that
plays such stupid redirect games towards users who like to make choices for
themselves. Please grow up.
FromJ Wolpert
SubjectRe: no right click... works for all browsers tested
Date6 May 2006 20:43
I think you missed the point.. the redirect is not part of the "production"

Opera documents how to do it, and then does not implement the api.

[Ed. yes it does, but it allows the user to choose if they should allow a
Web page to break their UI or not.]

Your site, which was quite nice, has code that does not work. Perhaps you
are a Microsoft ie4 user? or maybe a Netscape 4 user?

[Ed. neither.]

I guess code that ignores standards, is as stupid as your condescending

Don't bother to grow up.

[Ed. was that supposed to be insulting? Oh well, whatever.
J, I shall leave you to annoy your users by breaking their browsers.
You don't need them anyway.]
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