James G. Mintz


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FromJames G. Mintz
SubjectRotate Text
Date26 April 2007 23:10
Great scripts for graphing - thanks.

Is there a way to rotate the text 90 degrees to vertical for the
"g.setXAxis" command.  I have my graphs layed out with the X axis
horizontal and the Y axis vertical (I'd like to keep them that way)

Thanks in advance

ToJames G. Mintz
SubjectRe: Rotate Text
Date1 April 2007 09:01

> Is there a way to rotate the text 90 degrees to vertical

No, but you can insert HTML into it, so:
That is basically what the script does to make the Y axis title display

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
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