Jason Yau


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Email conversation

FromJason Yau
SubjectMini-window script
Date16 July 2003 23:16
    I am interested in using your mini-window script for an internal
website (not to be viewed by the public) at my company. Do you have any
objections to this?

ToJason Yau
SubjectRe: Mini-window script
Date17 July 2003 08:29

> I am interested in using your mini-window script for an internal website.
> Do you have any objections to this?

Happy to be of help.

No, I have no objections, but because this is a commercial site (even
though it is internal), there is just one condition:

On your site policy page, or another appropriate page, you should put a
note saying that the script was provided for free by my site.
The following would suffice:
Mini window script provided for free by
<a href="http://www.howtocreate.co.uk">

If you also intend to use the display based menu script to produce menus in
the windows, then you should put something like:
Mini window and display based menu scripts provided for free by
<a href="http://www.howtocreate.co.uk">

Let me know if you have any problems.

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