Jay Leavitt


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FromJay Leavitt
Subjectinitial visibility
Date22 April 2006 22:36
I was reading your javascript tutorial containing functions |showDiv and 
hidediv. Initially, the message '|This positioned element was hidden. Hide it 
again <javascript:doNuhn();>.' is hidden. I looked through the source code and 
could not find where it was initially hidded. How is this done?

       Thank you.      Jay
ToJay Leavitt
SubjectRe: initial visibility
Date23 April 2006 10:29

> I looked through the source code and could not find where it was initially
> hidded. How is this done?


This CSS file sets the initial visibility using visibility: hidden;
You can also use a style attribute on the element itself if that makes
things easier, but generally it is best to have CSS in a dedicated
stylesheet. For more details, see my CSS tutorial:


Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
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