Jeremy Bilien


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Email conversation

FromJeremy Bilien
SubjectPermission to use your scripts.
Date3 October 2005 06:42
Dear Mark,

My name is Jeremy Bilien and I have been designing widgets for Mac's 
Dashboard ever since Tiger came out. I'm writing because I'd like  your
permission to use your "Script to parse RSS XML data files" &  "Script to
import XML data files and make them available to JavaScript"

A few months ago I decided to share the knowledge I had accumulated  and put
together a free ware package called "Widget Creator". This  package is made
up  of different templates that let users design  their own widgets easily,
even if they know next to nothing about  Dashboard widgets. After uploading
this freeware to various Mac sites  I was contacted by Bryan Goldstein who
sought my permission to  include Widget Creator in his WCode cocoa
application. WCode helps  users create widgets from start to finish and is a
very impressive  application for a 15 year-old to create. We decided to
combine our  expertise and our passion for Mac and Dashboard to create
something  together that merges WCode and Widget Creator.

We're in the process of doing so and, as mentioned at the beginning  of my
email, I'd really like your permission to use those scripts in  our 
"Dashboard widget template" . Of course full credit for your  script would
be given and I can guarantee that any widget created  using our product
would provide a hyperlink to your website in  addition to clearly indicating
your name on the flipside.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your answer.


I have not included my response here because there is no single answer to this kind of question. I will consider every such request on a case-by-case basis.

If you have a similar request, please see the notes on using my scripts as part of a bundled software package.

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