Joe Tansy


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Note: I never received this email. The first time I saw it was when it appeared on the end on the second email - hence my lack of reply.
FromJoe Tansy
SubjectMaking Movable Mini Windows position:relative / Resizing handles for IFrame
Date11 January 2005 20:02
Let me start by saying: Excellent Work!  Great Resource.  I really
appreciate it.

Now, to the mooching.
I'm trying to modify your Movable Mini Windows script to draw the window in
a table cell - positioned relative.  So that when the tables rows and
columns move about, from DHTML, your mini window will move accordingly.

I changed the 'position:absolute;'  to 'position:relative' in the
MovableWindows.js, which is very close, but the problem is the drag handle:
it resolutely stays on the upper left of the DIV, instead of obieiently
staying on the lower right border of the div.

It may very well be that I'm going about this in a much more difficult way
than is neccessary.  All I want to do is have an IFrame within a table cell
that has handles to resize it. I added an IFrame with width=100% height=100%
into your MiniWindow, and it was so close to exaclty what I want.  Just the
resize handle is off.  But if you have an easier way to do this, I'd love
to hear it.

FromJoe Tansy
SubjectRe: Making Movable Mini Windows position:relative / Resizing handles for IFrame
Date11 January 2005 22:07
I changed the Position:absolute on the oDrag-image-div object back to
position:absolute, and it worked just like I wanted.

Though it still has way more (great) functionality than I need.

If you have any suggestions about just making a resizable IFrame,
positioned relative, I would love to hear them.

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