John Alexander Treuman


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FromJohn Alexander Treuman
SubjectBrowser Speed Comparison Spelling Correction and Inclusion Request
Date12 February 2005 8:21
I was just going let you know that 'humerous' is actually spelled either
humorous or humourous. ;) But while I'm at it, I thought I'd request
that, should you ever do this again, you include w3m in the
supplementary results. It happens to be my favourite console browser,
though it seems to be rather unknown. Trying the history test (backwards
only, as forward isn't bound by default) it actually manages to render
each page while just holding the bind, in I'd guess about a second on my
1GHz Athlon Thunderbird. Even going through all the links would've been
quick had my connection not been so flakey when doing it (just type
'/nav_next\nn\nn\nn\nn\n', and so on). Admittedly, this is without image
support enabled (which incidentally, it manages to display in both
xterms and on the Linux console), so it's probably a little faster than
it should be.

Anyway, your article was a good read, and it's nice to see this done. In
particular I'm glad my claims that Firefox isn't really faster than MSIE
have been vindicated. I'm also more seriously considering switching back
to Mozilla built with just the browser component now, since Firefox 1.0
isn't faster, has been quite unstable, takes longer to build, and offers
nothing special. So thanks for giving me some hard numbers to base this
on. I just hope that Slashdot hasn't punished you too much for it. ;)

-- jat
ToJohn Alexander Treuman
SubjectRe: Browser Speed Comparison Spelling Correction and Inclusion Request
Date14 February 2005 9:21
> I was just going let you know that 'humerous' is actually spelled either
> humorous or humourous. ;)

Oops, ok, I will change this when I get a chance to talk to my server again

> I thought I'd request you include w3m in the supplementary results.

Sure, if I can get it to install, I can add it. So far, I have been unable
to compile it (repeated segmentation faults) but my test computer is more
up-to-date than the one I have right now, so I will see if it works tonight.

As for the various ways it can render, I would need to use graphics, as
that would make the tests fair compared with the other browsers.

> I just hope that Slashdot hasn't punished you too much for it. ;)

5GB per day. from several sites; slashdot, osnews, nedlinux,,,
I am being absolutely hammered, but at least it means people find it worth
reading :)

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