Jon Langevin


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FromJon Langevin
Subjectsmall problem with collapsible menu
Date1 November 2007 03:14
Hi, my name is Jon Langevin, I found your collapsible menu list a month or
so ago, and finally implemented it on a website this week :-)

It works great, but I've found an issue that occurs with larger amounts of
data. I'm using this script to display a sitemap for a website that has a
huge number of categories, subcategories, and products at all levels.

When there is a larger amount of expandable categories, as in this
situation, there are some situations where the plusmn sign will show up
twice. I don't know if it's a problem with how javascript is parsing the
page or what, as I'm not much of a javascript guy.

Anywho, I haven't been able to replicate this problem on smaller sites, but
it's consistently existing on this example website.

The url is: [URL]

"Holidays & Events" is an example category that exhibits this problem
(expand it, you'll see it's subcategories show the double plusmn sign).

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you're able to provide.

-Jon Langevin
ToJon Langevin
SubjectRe: small problem with collapsible menu
Date1 November 2007 08:28

> When there is a larger amount of expandable categories, as in this
> situation, there are some situations where the plusmn sign will show up
> twice.

You have called the script multiple times. You only need to call it once,
for the outermost list. Remove all of the calls to collapse inner parts of
the list, and the problem should go away.

Aside from that, you have also removed my comments from the script source
code, which is a violation of the script license. Please put them back.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromJon Langevin
SubjectRe: small problem with collapsible menu
Date1 November 2007 12:26
thanks for the help, I appreciate it. sorry about the license violation, I
just saw a bunch of commented code and removed it, I'll get it back in there

FromJon Langevin
SubjectRe: small problem with collapsible menu
Date1 November 2007 12:32
ahhh, the reason why i called compactmenu multiple times, is because when i
only call it once, it only collapses 1 level. If i call it multiple times,
*everything* is fully collapsed :-\
FromJon Langevin
SubjectRe: small problem with collapsible menu
Date1 November 2007 12:39
As it turns out, the problem appears to be with how I'm structuring the
the problem is occurring because I have multiple ul structures within an li
(one ul structure is for immediate child products, the next ul structure is
for child categories)

I reckon I'll combine the two structures and see how that looks

Thanks again
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