Joshua Olson


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FromJoshua Olson
Subjectcaps lock script
Date29 December 2003 05:46

First off, thank you for honoring my idea for the caps lock detection by
crediting me with authorship of the idea.  Additionally, thank you for
solving some of the cross-browser issues that I simply didn't have time to
work out.

I'd like to update the small code library at to reflect
your updates, if that's okay with you.  My plan is to use the existing code
as an intro, put in the news flash and your update to the method, give you
due credit, link to your code page, and that's about it.

Do you have any reservations with this plan?


Oh yeah, one last thing... from your bio:

"During my first year at uni in 1998-9, I was taught Pascal, a very limited,
procedure based programming language without file handling."

This is flat wrong.  :-)  Pascal was a very wonderful, object oriented (as
of version 5+), and robust language and did indeed have file handling.
Joshua Olson
WAE Tech Inc.
ToJoshua Olson
SubjectRe: caps lock script
Date19 January 2004 21:03
My apologies. This email got lost in a pile of spam.

Of course I have no problem with you using the extended concepts of the
script, the original is yours after all. Well done for thinking of it!
Thanks for the return link, I will update mine to be a link, not just text.

As for pascal, that just goes to show how well my university lecturers
manages to 'teach' me! I have learned 11 programming languages so far,
mostly just using online tutorials, and even after a whole year of
lectures, Pascal is my weakest language. I will update my page to say the
truth. Thanks for the info.

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