Julius Vu


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FromJulius Vu
SubjectRefreshing RSS feeds in combination with your RSS parser
Date8 November 2004 21:46
Hi Mark!

I tried your RSS parser at 
'http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/tutorials/jsexamples/rss.html'; and it is 
simply stunning!!

When I put in an RSS URL and click on 'Go' the RSS feed loads and is 
displayed in the DIV feedcontainer area.
I know that I can refresh the feed by clicking on the 'Go' button 
again... but what I would like is the page automatically refreshing the 
feed every 5 minutes or so... Could you tell me how to modify your 
parser in order to achieve such a automatic refresh?

Thanks a bunch and thumbs up for your great website :-)

Bye and many greets, Julius
ToJulius Vu
SubjectRe: Refreshing RSS feeds in combination with your RSS parser
Date9 November 2004 8:24

> I tried your RSS parser at 
> 'http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/tutorials/jsexamples/rss.html'; and it is
> simply stunning!!

:) thankyou

> what I would like is the page automatically refreshing the feed every
> 5 minutes or so

I have added a download link so you can download all the files you need.
The main rss.html file includes the ability to refresh the feed at a given

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromJulius Vu
SubjectRe: Refreshing RSS feeds in combination with your RSS parser
Date9 November 2004 20:52
Hi Mark!

I just lost my words :-) Now if that wasn't fast work then we need to find
a new definition for 'fast'!!
I mean, how do you do that? Within less than 24 hours an updated webpage
with a complete ZIP package containing the perfect solution ...

I hold you in great respect and awe :-) Thanks so much, you are a SUPER

Bye and my best wishes, Julius
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