Korey Kashmer


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FromKorey Kashmer
SubjectHey Tarquin - Parser Question
Date27 June 2009 21:58
I have a question concerning your parser. I have been muddling around in
your emails and docs all day.

I am trying to install your parser on a personal website and pull a feed
into the homepage from my [brand] blog off [example].com/blog/

I do understand quite a bit about html, scripting and parsers. I have used a
few others in the past.

I am running this on a windows server so I downloaded, unzipped and
installed the "normal" folder off the root to test it. I then dropped in the
script in place of
the form in the rss.html file to parse directly to the page:

<script type="text/javascript">
var URL = '[URL]';
window.onload = function () {
( i changed rsslocal.php to rsslocal.asp. also was testing with a [brand]
news feed.)

The rss.html page is loading but not displaying any feeds. I am not sure
what I am doing wrong here. I did double check the code for php to asp
references and did not see anything else.

you can view this if you want at [URL]

I do appreciate any help, sorry to bother you :)

ToKorey Kashmer
SubjectRe: Hey Tarquin - Parser Question
Date30 June 2009 11:11

> you can view this if you want at [URL]

This URL is 404. Do you have a working URL where I can see the problem?

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
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