Kurt Hamilton


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FromKurt Hamilton
Subjectjavascript libraries mouse trail creator
Date8 November 2007 15:23
To whom it may concern:

    I have been viewing some of your javascript libraries and found that
cool mouse trail creator.  How you figured out how to make this I have no
clue!  Your knowledge on javascript is immense to be able to right these
kinds of scripts.  I was wondering if I could get your help on understanding
how that script works, on how all those lines of javascript work.  I have a
fairly good knowledge of javascript, but that coding I have no idea. This is
also the only mouse trail that I have found that is browser compatible with

    Thank you for any help you can give,
ToKurt Hamilton
SubjectRe: javascript libraries mouse trail creator
Date9 November 2007 10:34

> I was wondering if I could get your
> help on understanding how that script works

Mouse trails are an often annoying, but very simple-seeming script, that
have to step around quite a few incompatibilities. It is probably best to
get the basic understanding of how a simple mouse trail is created, rather
than trying to decipher my entire script from scratch.

The idea is as follows:
1. create a div that is positioned absolutely
2. detect the mousemove event over the document
3. when the event fires, get the coordinates of the mouse
4. get a reference to the div
5. reposition the div so that its position matches the mouse position, plus
whatever offset you want

All of these concepts are discussed at various points throughout my
Step 1;
Step 2 and 3 (by far the hardest part);
Step 4;
Step 5;

My trail script is quite a lot more complicated than that, since it manages
more than one trail with different effects, but the concept is quite

1. create several divs that are positioned absolutely
2. detect the mousemove event over the document
3. when the event fires, get the coordinates of the mouse, and store them in
a global variable
4. create an interval timer that fires every few hundred milliseconds
5. when it fires, get a reference to each div in turn
6. reposition the div so that its position matches the mouse position, plus
whatever offset you want, plus an additional amount relating to the position
of the div preceding it

Step 3, the difference between global and local variables is discussed here:
Step 4;

Step 6 gives several possibilities:

For variable speed, it tries to move the trail divs to their new position,
which is calculated as being a fraction of the distance between their
current position, and the position of the preceding div (ignoring any

For elastic, it does the same as variable speed, but it also stores the
distance that it moves them. Next time the interval fires, it adds on a
fraction of that last distance as well, so they jump beyond the point they
were supposed to be at, then over-correct it next interval, etc.

For fixed speed, it simply moves each div to the position that the preceding
div had last time the interval fired, plus the relevant offsets.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
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