Larry Ross


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FromLarry Ross
Date29 September 2003 22:37
I really hate to bother you, but I can't figure out how to position the
slider on the page. Sence it is not visible I couldn't tell where it will
be if I could move it. Can you help me??

ToLarry Ross
SubjectRe: Slider
Date30 September 2003 08:40

Yes I can help. The outer container of the slider is a relatively
positioned DIV, so it can be positioned using any standard HTML or CSS
positioning techniques such as holding it in an absolutely or relatively
positioned DIV element or inside a table.
WARNING: IE5 Mac has problems positioning the sliders inside a relatively
positioned element - due to a relative position inheritance bug.

What worries me is the fact that you say it is not visible. The slider
should always be visible unless you hold it inside a hidden element. Can
you send me a URL so I can see why it is invisible?

The following is a working example (you will also need the line to load the
script file in the document head). moveFunction and stopFunction should
also be defined if you want to use them, or set to '' if you do not.

<div style="position:absolute;left:10px;top:30px;">
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2"><!--
var yourslider = new slider(

Hope all this helps.

Tarquin - author of
FromLarry Ross
SubjectRe: Slider
Date1 October 2003 02:40
I had figured out how to position the slider, but I have other DIV's on the
page and I can't bring it to the top over the other DIV's. I tried
z-index:4, but it ignored it. The slider is visible when the script is
running and not while in wysiwyg editor (Dreamweaver). I am also haveing
trouble moving the slider to corrospond with the relative position of the
audio file that is playing. I'll figure it out I guess. If you have some
ideas I would be happy to get them.

Thank You
FromLarry Ross
SubjectRe: Slider
Date1 October 2003 02:46
I can not figure how to get the slider into another container. I would like
to have it in another DIV so I can at least see an outline of where it will
be when the script is running.
Thanks for any help

ToLarry Ross
SubjectRe: Slider
Date1 October 2003 08:42
There are ways of making it rise to the top of stacked layers:

1) z-index:100;
you did something like this already, but what happens if you increase the
number a lot?
Remember that the slider contains several other layers, so 4 may be an
unrealistic z-index, as there are far more than 4 layers on the page.

2) put the div containing the slider last on the page. The browser will
create a z-index that should push it above other layers, providing that
they do not have z-index explicitly defined (Dreamweaver often includes
z-index, even if it is unnecessary)

I don't know how to get the elapsed play time of a music track, but if you
can get it, it is simply a matter of using setInterval to repeatedly run
the script:
if required, just count from the time you started the track

The HTML I sent you in the last email should put the slider inside another
container. I suggest that you set z-index there. The padding and background
color will create a border. Note that you should also set the width of the
container div ((2*border)+widthOfTrack when there is no padding), or it may
may overlap other content:

<div style="position:absolute;left:10px;top:30px;z-index:100;
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2"><!--
var yourslider = new slider(
FromLarry Ross
SubjectRe: Slider
Date2 October 2003 01:00
Thanks Mark !!
All is well and everything is working as it is suposed to. I had thought
about putting the script in an other DIV, but was not sure if it would work
properly in the body. I am fairly new to Javascripting and I really
appricate your help. I have run into another problem, I put a setInterval
function in to display the players play position then use the setPosition
fot the slider. After the script runs for a while  (about 4 minutes) the
computer locks up. Getting the lapsed time is easy usng
(Player.controls.currentPositionString) the output is formattes 00:00:00 so
all you have to do is display it. Can the slider commands be called from
anywhere in the page? Are there only the three commands?

Thanks Again
Larry Ross
ToLarry Ross
SubjectRe: Slider
Date1 October 2003 08:46
I count two commands:
new slider()
The commands can be called from anywhere.

If the computer is locking up, I think you may be using setInterval the way
you would use setTimeout. setTimeout only calls a function once after the
specified delay, so if you want it to repeatedly execute the function, you
need to get the function to set a timer to call itself again:
function myFunction() {
  //display the time here

setInterval only needs to be set once, the function does not need to call
itself again, as the interval timer will run the function every 'n'
var theInt;
function myFunction() {
  //display the time here
theInt = window.setInterval('myFunction()',500);

When you need to stop the function executing (for example, if you stop a
track), use:

To display the lapsed time on the slider, you need to use a number:
var currentPos = Player.controls.currentPosition;
var totalLength = Media.duration;
FromLarry Ross
SubjectRe: Slider
Date10 October 2003 22:31
Thanks for your help. I have it all under control now and it works great.

FromLarry Ross
SubjectSlider script
Date21 October 2003 19:03
I like your slider script. It is very easy to use, but it has one thing I
think should be changed and I haven't figured how to do it outside the js
file. Placeing the cursor over the slider button should cause the cursor to
change to a hand or finger. If you know of a way for me to do this, please
let me know. Otherwise this is a suggestion for an upgrade for the script.
Thanks so much for the use of this script.
ToLarry Ross
SubjectRe: Slider script
Date22 October 2003 08:27

Thanks for the suggestion.

In fact the correct cursor is an arrow, as directed by the user interface
guidelines. This makes it the same as form buttons and other controls (try
the volume control on your computer;
Start - programs - accessories - entertainment/sound+video - volume control).

If you want to change this, you will need to modify the source of the script;
in the 'slider' function, change

This will make it use a hand/finger cursor instead.

I may consider adding this to the script as an option later (if I do, it
will be in the next week).

FromLarry Ross
SubjectRe: Slider script
Date22 October 2003 18:20
As always thanks for your responce and help. You're one in a million.

ToLarry Ross
SubjectRe: Slider script
Date 22 October 2003 20:20
I got a few minutes so I updated the script to provide the hand cursor
option. You can download the latest version from my JavaScript libraries
FromLarry Ross
SubjectRe: Slider script
Date22 October 2003 21:12
You are number 1 in my book.

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